Number of Credits/Scholarship

<p>What is the maximum number of credits that the Presidential Scholarship can possibly cover, if one talks to the scholarship office and requests to have it raised? Also, does anyone know when that has to be done by (requesting to have it raised)?</p>

<p>I’m currently signed up for 21 credits and can’t decide which class to drop; I desperately want to take them all. I’m considering going to all of the classes for the first week of the semester and then dropping the one I like least at the end of the week – has anyone ever done this? It shouldn’t affect my student bill as long as I drop it during the add/drop period, correct?</p>

<p>While I understand your feelings I think you should consider speaking with the Scholarship Office soon and make a decision on which class or classes you need to drop. There may be other students who would appreciate the opportunity to pick up a seat in one or more of those classes and it doesn’t seem quite right to hold them until after the first week of classes. I’m not trying to be rude, but this was the first thought that crossed my mind. Good luck!</p>

<p>Regina dear! How are you?</p>

<p>Your scholarship covers up to 20 credits per semester. Seriously, even that will be brutal at times!!! :)</p>

<p>I don’t think you can get it raised to 21. It was a big deal to raise it to 20 a couple of years ago. </p>

<p>Regina…what are the classes? Maybe we can figure out which one to take at another time.</p>

<p>bamagirls, I guess I forget that not everyone changes their schedule a few times a week the way I do…I am overly obsessive and indecisive about classes. My intention was certainly not to be inconsiderate towards others who are trying to sign up for classes!</p>

<p>M2ck, I’m doing very well! Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday that y’all we’re still working on persuading me to choose Bama? Can’t believe freshman year is almost over! How are you?</p>

<p>I am definitely not planning to actually take more than 20 credits, as much as I wish I could! I’m actually doing the Emerging Scholars Program in the fall, which means six hours of research per week, so I don’t think more than 18 hours is realistic.</p>

<p>The issue is mostly just that I am incapable of deciding between French, English, and Political Science for a major. Good news is I’ve narrowed it down that far; bad news is that I go back and forth between the three every day. I’m probably going to double major, or double major and do a minor, but I just can’t quite figure it out yet, so I’m trying to balance those three subjects plus gen-eds. I will figure it out though. Thank you for the info, good to know that up to 20 credits is possible!</p>

<p>Is it also 20 for the NMF scholarship?</p>

<p>20 for NMF, NA, Presidential, elite…any scholarship with full tuition, I think.</p>

<p>NMFs do have the Presidential within their pkg…so yes for sure.</p>


<p>I’m fine, thank you! Can’t believe your first year is almost over!</p>

<p>French, English and Poly Sci! You’re busy! Which are you liking the best? What are your career plans?</p>

<p>Do you have AP credits? What Core are you still missing?</p>

<p>I really don’t have career plans yet, so I’m more just focusing on what I’m interested in! I would like to travel or live overseas when I’m older, hence the French. English has always been a passion of mine, and I feel like learning to write and think will benefit me in any career. I’m also a political junkie, so Poly Sci is mostly my guilty pleasure…that is the area in which I’m doing research for Emerging Scholars.</p>

<p>I came in with 12 credits, but I only took 11 credits last semester (eek). For Core classes, I still need one history, one science, and one SBS. The issue is not so much that I have a lot of classes I need to take as it is having a lot of classes I want to take. All of the classes I’m signed up for are ones I genuinely am really excited for and really want to take, hence my reluctant to get rid of any of them. I know that they will still be around next semester, though. :)</p>

<p>What are the classes?</p>


<p>Have you tried making a list of the classes ranked in different ways? Perhaps you could prioritize by which classes seem hardest to get, most sought after, which ones fit your schedule best overall? Maybe you could list each class out on an index card with reasons why you want/need to take them to make your decision easier. Although you may feel otherwise, I believe there may be more students than you think who have similar difficulty in making their class selection. While it is admirable to push yourself, you need to keep in mind not to push too hard and burn out. It wasn’t my intention to offend you with my earlier post, but I wanted to urge you to resolve this quickly by providing another perspective. I’m sorry if it came across as insensitive. Is there an advisor you could speak with who might shed more light on your options?</p>

<p>Completing your first year successfully is something of which you can be proud. Try to cut yourself a little slack now. Again, I wish you good luck.</p>

<p>Do we think it is an issue to have one W many semesters? I’m not saying on purpose, but sometimes class, prof etc doesn’t work out.</p>

<p>Thank y’all so much for the help. m2ck, you are always a huge help, and bama girls, no, I wasn’t offended at all, I completely understand your point and appreciate the advice.</p>

<p>I think I will drop the second English class I’m signed up for. I’m 95% sure that I want French to be my major or one of my majors, and I realized that if I only take one PSC class and one EN class next semester, I’ll only be 12 credits away from a minor in either subject. This means that – not that I plan to do this, of course – even if I only take French and Gen-Eds for the next two years, I could finish a minor in either English or PolySci in just one semester.</p>

<p>Thanks, everyone. :)</p>