Question about tuition?

<p>I know I recently posted too much but I just have too many questions…</p>

<p>OOS tuition is 23950 this year(which will increase by 4% in next year I think) but do students actually enroll in classes</p>

<p>that are worth 23950? What happens if you take not as many classes?</p>

<p>[Undergraduate</a> Tuition](<a href=“][b]Undergraduate”></p>


<p>what is your concern? wont you be enrolling in at least 12 credits each semester? You dont want to run out of scholarship before you graduate.</p>

<p>how many credits will you be taking each semester?</p>

<p>Your presidential award will go up with each tuition increase.</p>

<p>oh I am not worried about anything I was just wondering what happens if you are taking less then 12 credit.
I will be taking 12 credit per semester.</p>