Nursing at Bloomsburg University

Hi, I got accepted to Bloomsburg for biology and recently wished to change my major to nursing. The deadline for nursing applications was last month so I contacted the admissions office and they said that they would put me on the waitlist to be reviewed in late March. Does anybody know how good a chance I have of being taken off the waitlist? I have a 1310 SAT, I’m 2nd in my class of 92 kids, I have taken AP classes including AP Chemistry which I got a 96 in, and I co-op at my local hospital as a Nursing Assistant (not sure if I included this in my application). Is there any way for me to submit more materials to the admission office to increase my chances of being accepted into the program? Could I transfer into the program during my freshman or sophomore year at Bloomsburg? Should I just defer my admission to next fall and see if that helps? Thanks!

If you don’t get in as direct admit, I would wait until next year and try again.

Have you applied to other nursing programs?

Your stats are good, hopefully a spot will open up for you at Bloomsburg.

I haven’t because Bloomsburg is only about 15 miles away from me and I have received a scholarship. I was thinking about applying to Moravian, West Chester, and Wilkes as well. By this time, most nursing majors are closed for admission so I’m confused as to what to do.

If you can commute, that would save a lot of money. You could also keep/get a local job. If you can’t get into BB nursing for this year, try again next year. You could get training to become a CNA and get a better paying job for the year you are waiting, which will be good experience for you.

Okay, thank you! When commitment times rolls around, if I’m not taken off the waitlist, do I ask to defer admission or do I have to apply again next year?

I’d submit some more applications as soon as possible to keep your options open. While some colleges are full for nursing, others are not. Luzerne Community College has a new joint BSN program with Kings College. A university such as Misericordia, Wilkes, Penn State-Altoona, Edinboro or E. Stroudsburg probably still has some seats open.

Many private colleges offer merit scholarships.

I will definitely look into those colleges, thanks! If worst comes to worst, I’ll probably get my Biology degree at Bloomsburg and then do the Second Degree program.

You can ask them how that would work with your scholarship. If you can defer and be reconsidered for nursing, or if you have to apply again for admission next year.