Nursing Class of 2026 (Direct Admit BSN)


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Her stats?

4.5 wGPA/3.9 uGPA
27 ACT(only submitted to some schools)
Handful of AP classes; good EC; hospital shadow experience

@twinmom2026 - Please find some answers on ACES here - ACES Frequently Asked Questions | Academic Center for Exploratory Students


@RobertBoxer would you mind sharing if your D’s extracurriculars? congrats on the acceptances!

twinmom2026, did your DD take physics? UConn wants nursing majors to have taken physics in high school, it’s one of those items on the website but you have to do some digging to find it. I think that kids who are otherwise qualified might get the same decision as your DD because of that. Good luck to her.

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Vicky2019, criteria was haphazardly based on some reach schools and some reasonable. She really wants that big school experience and far away from home is preferable. We took a trip last spring down south to visit UTenn, Clemson and U So Carolina. She also applied to our local flagship UConn and Endicott because they are both strong direct admit nursing programs. She added in Purdue and Penn State because they’ve got that big school feel and Xavier since it was another direct admit and she knows the school through neighbors who are very happy there.

If she is accepted at UTenn I think that will be her first choice. It’s tough waiting to hear.

So far:
Purdue - no
Penn State - branched to Altoona
Clemson - no on nursing, yes on 2nd major
U So Carolina - yes, pre-nursing
UConn - yes, nursing
Endicott - yes, nursing
Xavier - yes, nursing
FAU - yes, nursing

Waiting on UTenn and UMiami - I think UMiami might be a reach for her, really hoping for good news from UTenn.


Yes she did take physics and did well. Interestingly, she only took it for UConn, and at one of the visit sessions she attended in person a few months ago, she learned UConn is doing away with that requirement.

@swimmingly- I see. Thank you for sharing. your DD has great choices!

Good Luck for both UMiami and UTenn

UTenn is a great choice just like UConn. I would have preferred UConn but totally understand that your DD wants to be far from home -LOL :laughing: I have a DD this year who has applied to direct admit nursing programs. She is totally opposite on location point of view - she is tending towards giving up great choices because they are not close to home!

Hi @seanic
This is not the entire list of extracurricular activities but the ones that D spent the most time doing. It’s not a ton but she found the activities very meaning. Her connection with classmates in these activities showed in the recommendations.

Church youth group and leadership
Co-founder and coordinator of Health Sciences Club
Varsity sports: Cross Country, Basketball, Baseball
High School activities coordinator for Senior Class
Nurse Camp last summer
Summer job in Public Health last summer


All results are in for DD. 13 out of 15 accepted. one waitlisted and one deferred. DD needs to start attending admitting students days and narrow her list down!

Adelphi - 32K/yr merit
Binghamton- 15K/yr merit
Fairfield - 22K/yr merit
Ohio State -not DA, pre-nurs (easy)
Molloy -: 10K/yr merit
Penn State UP: no merit yet
Simmons - 28K/yr merit
UMass Lowell Honors - 50% tuition/fees merit, in-state
UMass Boston Honors : $10k in-state merit
UMassD: no merit yet - instate
UVM - 18K/yr
UPitt -: 8.5K/yr FA
UConn- 23K/year
Northeastern– Deferred
UMass Amherst (instate) – Waitlisted for fall, spring 2022


Currently, DD is strongly considering UConn, Simmons, and SUNY Binghamton. Looking for specifics on clinical locations and types, thoughts compared to other programs, and overall feedback. Any help is appreciated.

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Anyone have info/opinions on Massachusetts college of pharm and health science accelerated nursing program?

Just received a waitlist decision from U of Hawaii Manoa by email so others should hear soon re admission.

We are good with our other school options so we wont be waiting to get off the waitlist. :wink:

CA student
no test scores


Vicky, not familiar with any of those programs, but congratulations to your daughter. Sounds like she has lots of great options!

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Thank you

Is your kid a current college student looking to enroll in the Massachusetts College of pharm and health science’s accelerated nursing program? They also have a direct admit BSN program for high schoolers.

Are you planning to apply or did you already get in?

They (their students) boast good NCLEX test scores. MCSPHS is in the Longwood hospital area of Boston where there are some of the world-renowned hospitals and Harvard med school. It has a pretty decent rating/ranking for its nursing programs from various ranking agencies. You could also google for MCPHS, to find reviews.

My son is a graduating senior. He got in the direct nursing program at MCPHS. He also got into a bunch of state universities in Oregon that feed into OHSU and some private schools that have a pre-nursing program.

He is still waiting to hear from 3 more schools, but MCPHS is the only school that is direct admit nursing.

He is LGBTQ and wants an urban area, but is also 17. If he pivots from nursing I don’t know that MCPHS is the place to be. I also have a hard time finding out much info about MCPHS outside of their website. Just a nervous parent …


You should sign up for virtual Information sessions and tours offered by MCPHS. Also, they may offer virtual admitted students day. You/parent should attend these in addition to your kid.

MCPHS is a private college in Boston. I don’t have direct experience. We heard that getting into MCPHS is easy but passing/graduating is not too easy! The cost is also very high.

Did MCPHS give your kid a merit scholarship? Is your kid ok with moving from Oregon to MA (its far and he is very young)? Is he open to working hard to graduate from BSN? Some plus points - once your kid graduates from BSN - Boston/MA is really very good for health care. Nursing salaries are good here.

Also, MCPHS offers a number of health-care-related-majors. You could ask MCPHS how easy/difficult it is to change majors

We live in the California Bay Area, he wants to go somewhere urban, cold and rainy.

We are going to attend online and in person events at MCPHS to get a fuller impression of the school. A queer community presence would be great.

He did get a merit scholarship, but also we are older parents with solid jobs/savings and he is our only so we are more concerned with fit than money. He wants to move out of state and will work hard.

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