Nursing Class of 2026 (Direct Admit BSN)

My kids don’t attend MCPHS but do so at two of the nearby institutions. Because there’s such varying types of colleges in the area, I’d say that your son will find his people.

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Don’t want to ruin anyones surprise but Marquette sent this in the mail today. :wink:

It was a free application so my younger kids want to apply now…


My D got it too. The whole family enjoyed it. I have been so impressed by Marquette on this college application journey!


Daughter received denial for nursing at San Marcos via email a few hours ago. Not a surprise…

I dont work on campus but I know people at MU if people want to pm with questions.


Daughter seems to have narrowed down to Sacred Heart and Fairfield. She’s concerned about SHU nursing building being a shuttle bus ride away - just a couple of minutes, but still
not on main campus. Welcome any thoughts/experience.

Speaking with San Marcos last week as you know my D was denied as well. Basically, if the student is not graduating from one of these listed counties/school districts the app will be rejected. Although our county is listed. Our school district is not.


Shouldn’t have applied and would have saved the $70 :wink:

So have you narrowed down your schools?

We have lots of school visits in the next few weeks so hoping daughter will have a clear winner. :slight_smile:

SDSU is the wild card…

We are just waiting for the California schools as you know. SDSU being one of them. We haven’t heard from any of the UCs or CSUs except San Marcos. APU is still at the top of the list. She just did an overnight visit there and liked it very much.


@RMGC - MCPHS is close to a lot of colleges and is part of the “Sisters of the Fenway” consortium which has the following colleges - Emmanuel College · Massachusetts College of Art and Design · MCPHS University · Simmons University · Wentworth Institute of Technology. Students can take classes in any of these, make use of the facilities like the cafeteria and gym, etc. Harvard medical school is down the road. Northeastern and BU are also nearby within walking distance.

Your son will have no problem finding friends from the LGBTQ community. Boston is very cosmopolitan - there are a lot of universities and people, in general, are friendly and accepting of diversity. Boston is very urban and has all four seasons. Winters are cold with lots of snow. It rains seasonally but there is no comparison to Seattle.

Fairfield has a better ranking, a great campus! So, why not go with Fairfield?

However, it may be a good idea for your DD to talk to current nursing students from both schools. Perhaps, you could reach out to the admissions office and they could arrange a virtual meeting. There is no harm in asking…

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Thank you! We are going to the admitted students day next month. Looking forward to finding out more. The college consortium arrangement is interesting.

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Hi folks, first post on this thread - what a wealth of info! My daughter wants to get her BSN (with a tentative plan to go back to school to become a PA or NP after working a bit - obviously WAY in the future!), and we are moving along in the process, so would love feedback or insights! Here’s where we are at:

Loyola New Orleans - accepted, pre-nursing (seems relatively easy to get into nursing program itself though), generous merit
University of Portland - accepted, direct admit, good merit
University of Vermont - accepted, direct admit, in-state, some merit
UNC Wilmington - accepted, pre-nursing (seems competitive/stressful to get into nursing program?), out-of-state, no merit (yet, word is notification might yet be coming?)
University of Washington - waitlisted (no plans to join waitlist)
University of Tampa - rejected
U Miami (a reach for her) - deferred from EA, should hear by 4/1
UNC Charlotte - waiting, no direct admit, should hear by 4/1
Florida Southern College - applied last minute RD to their direct admit program, should hear by 4/1

While UVM will have by far the lowest COA because of in-state tuition, it’s her last choice - she desperately wants to go to a warmer climate after living in frosty VT her whole life (made tougher by COVID travel limitations), and we support that 100%. Of the schools she’s been accepted to, UP works out to most expensive by about $10k/yr, is the least warm, and the only one on the west coast. We all would be surprised if she gets into UMiami (3.81 gpa UW, test optional, good but not mind-blowing ECs), less surprised if she’s accepted by UNCC or FSC (but not counting on it).

At this point it looks like it’s going to be UNCW vs. Loyola (possibly vs. UNCC vs. FSC). Anyone have any objective or subjective feedback on any of their nursing programs or the schools more generally? We are in the midst of planning visits to Loyola and both the NC schools, have already visited FSC (and liked everything about it other than the area beyond the town itself), so that will be a help of course. Thanks for any input!


Loyola New Orleans says that “You can receive your bachelor of science in nursing after completing the prerequisites in the pre-nursing program in your first year. Unlike most schools, Loyola offers a direct admit to the nursing program for pre-nursing students enrolled in the program who earn a grade of a “C” or better and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all prerequisite courses.”

UNC Wilmington secondary admission to the nursing major appears to be highly competitive. Note the stats for the top 60 students – the admission process admits 55 per term with 15 alternates on a wait list.

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Read the reviews of both schools, very interesting…you can google reviews on SHU and Fairfield

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Here are a few links you may want to check out for some additional info on Loyola, including some users you may want to message.


Yes, we aren’t worried about her meeting the criteria to continue with nursing at Loyola — seems pretty straightforward, and honestly if one can’t meet those minimums, nursing probably isn’t the best fit.

UNCW is a different story for sure — I hadn’t seen those specific numbers, that is very helpful! Being so close to tge beach is a huge draw for her, but if she’s super stressed out about actually getting into the nursing program and/or doesn’t get in at all…

Good food for thought — thanks for your input!

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Thanks so much!

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Thought I’d share…DD has committed to UMaine Nursing! Very happy and proud.

Here are her overall results.

Nursing Direct Admit:
URI, accepted, ~15K merit
UMaine, accepted, ~17K merit
Husson, accepted, ~24K merit
Stevenson, accepted, ~32K merit
UTN, accepted, still waiting on nursing decision and $

SUNY Brockport, accepted, “Nursing Intent” Status
SUNY Binghamton, deferred, husband’s alma mater, still waiting
SUNY Plattsburgh, accepted as undeclared, no transfer to nursing
UCONN, accepted into an exploratory major, not nursing
UNH, accepted, second choice Phys Ed. Big heartbreak there.

SUNY Cortland, accepted **Phys Ed major (not a nursing school)

UMASS Amherst, denied
Clemson, denied

Thanks for all the great info and support here. Best of luck to everyone!


Oops, I forgot to include Sacred Heart, accepted, ~15K merit!