Nursing Class of 2026 (Direct Admit BSN)

So is U of A a 2 ADN year program and then transfer into a 4 year? I am having trouble searching for schools that are true direct entry BSN programs in or near California. Can you point me to a list of sorts? I have a list but I am afraid I am missing some schools.

If we can’t get into a BSN program, her alternative will be to major in Biochem. I feel that’s apples to oranges but she insists. She can’t go the nursing route with a Biochem major right?

No, she cant be a nurse with a biochem degree. You can only take the state nurse licensing exam (NCLEX) which is required to practice as a nurse if you graduate with a degree in nursing.

If she got a degree in biochem, she would complete that degree first, then have to apply to an Accelerated BSN or second degree MSN-RN program for additional cost (typically over 50k) and an additional 2 years of school approximately.

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Direct admit BSN programs in California:
CSU Fullerton
CSU San Marcos
Azusa Pacific University
University of San Francisco
Dominican University

Other states:
Arizona State
Pacific Lutheran- Washington

I am sure there is an updated list somewhere, but this is the list I found. Plenty of direct admit programs on the East coast and easier admits.

U of Oregon is not direct admit.

U of A has a BSN program but not direct admit.

CSUN has an accelerated BSN program if she did biochem degree first. I recall it cost 50K

This shows the other accelerated BSN programs in Cal

This is a pretty exhaustive list of direct admit schools in the US.

If cost isn’t a factor you have loads of choices all over the US. If you are on a tight budget with no option of needs based money it gets more tricky.

Thanks for the update on University of Oregon and also the updated BSN list. It is hard to keep up with current changes (additions and deletions) for these programs.

As you said, it’s hard to keep up. It’s very important for nursing hopefuls to dive deep into a prospective school to check the current status of their nursing program. Over the past 6 months, I have heard a lot of “new programs” “changes to old programs” “new guidelines” etc.

I believe we have tapped all the schools that give good merit so I will share as they start coming in. We created our list from all the posts I have read on CC. For direct admit seems like U of Utah, U of NM and U of Akron will come in the least expensive. (Maybe ASU too)
As stated before, with a 4.0 UW U of Arizona, which is not a direct admit school, gave my daughter full tuition so she would only need to pay room and board, which is about 13K and prob lower after moving off campus in later years. You need to maintain a 3.0 to keep the scholarship.

This is our list:

Seatte U
U of Portland
U of Utah
Carroll University
Hood College
Pacific Lutheran University
York College PA
Westminster Utah
The College of NJ
U of Akron
Cleveland State
U of Arizona
Loyola Chicago
University of San Fransisco
U of Scranton
Bloomsburg University
North Dakota State
Indiana Univ of PA
Clarion University PA
Youngstown State
U of New Mexico
San Diego State University
Cal State Fullerton
UC Irvine

Having 2 kids going to college next fall we are on a budget. I would like to stay under $20-$25 and I think that may be possible. When all is said and done, many of these schools listed above will not end up in our budget.

Most of these schools are on common app and were free to apply.

We wait… :slight_smile:

One more thing, the only negative so far with applying to so many schools is the amount of emails and mail my daughter is getting from the schools. Im afraid we will miss something important because it may get buried. Def being organized helps… (A binder for the important mail/ student id numbers and merit award amounts) In addition, folders in your email to throw info from each school. That has been huge as I can access info quickly that way. Its nice to have all the email conversations with admissions in one place for reference.

Thank you. I had all those on my list. Good to know I haven’t missed any. I appreciate everything you do.

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That’s what I thought. Thank you for the reply.

I know Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, MI has an excellent nursing program. They have a direct admission nursing program. Their cost of attendance is also awesome. It is around $23000 for instate, which out of state can get if they have a 3.3 HS GPA, plus at least $2,000.

Grand Rapids also has the Medical Mile, where there are at least 4 hospitals located next to each other.


Per their website, Grand Valley State U is not direct admit. That ended in 2020 and is now eliminated…

I didn’t realize that. Sorry and thank you!

IS the 3200 word essay located in the application itself? Or is this something on their main page? We have not started the CSU app just yet. But I want her to get started on this essay ASAP.

CSU application (in the past years) does not ask for or allow essays to be submitted. Which Nursing school are referring to about the essay?

For the UC’s, only UCLA requires a Nursing supplemental application along with the UC application.


Unfortunately, it is on the Cal State Fullerton application. SDSU does not have an essay or ask for recommendations.

Required Questions For Fullerton

Please answer the following essay prompt in 3200 characters or less:

“All students can contribute to the creation of a diverse and inclusive environment when diversity is defined broadly. Whether by a personal attribute, characteristic, culture, experience, or behavior please tell us how you believe you will contribute to the diversity of California State University, Fullerton School of Nursing and the nursing profession.”

Its under the the Program Material Section, the “questions section” That is also where you have to put your 2 recommendations. 12/7 is the date that the recommendations need to be posted or that will affect your admission. They recommend sending ASAP and also they have a bunch of info for the recommenders that should be sent to them.

Thanks for the heads up about the essay. The CSU application is constantly changing.


I suppose in a way, it might cut down on the amount of applications they receive. Daughter has applied to MANY schools and this was by far the biggest required essay.
3200 words!! :wink:

It says 3200 characters though. That’s different from 3200 words.

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I am SO GRATEFUL that you pointed that out. I looked up online what that would mean for a word count. That did not even register to me! I suppose my daughter would have figured it out when she tried to post her 3200 words. Lesson to me and her, read more carefully. Throwing you a big virtual hug!!! :slight_smile:

“3,200 characters is between 460 words and 800 words with spaces included in the character count. If spaces are not included in the character count, then 3,200 characters is between 530 words and 1070 words.”

or another

“3,200 characters is between 460 words and 800 words with spaces included in the character count. If spaces are not included in the character count, then 3,200 characters is between 530 words and 1070 words.”

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