Nursing Decisions on West Coast 2017: Where are you thinking of going and why?

@kchung2689 Why wouldn’t you attend SDSU nursing vs CSUF also freshman direct entry nursing?

I’ve asked a couple nurses I know personally, and from their opinion, They said that SDSU doesnt have the Best rep as a school. Additionally, they told me that CSUF is a well respected nurisng school in the medical field. I rather go somewhere that’s known to produce good nursing students. I’m more 80% CSUF 10% UCLA and 10% SDSU. It honestly depends on how much I could get in scholarships from each school because even if SDSU the school isnt great, every nursing school is good. It’s just a question of which one is better.

RN exam pass rates by institution in California. (most states post this info, which can be found in a google search)

Hey guys! Just wanted to provide a little update… I am very grateful to have been admitted to both SDSU and CSUF direct-entry nursing programs, and I am pleased to announce that I will be attending CSUF this fall!! I visited SDSU, and I loved it, but in many respects, CSUF was (personally) the wiser decision. I am very happy about my choice, and I’m so excited to be a Titan! Best of luck to all my nursing peers!! x

@CaliforniaSoul Yes, SDSU was a beautiful school, and I loved it there! I just wish their nursing program had a better reputation :frowning:

@kgiesch I am having a hard time deciding between UCLA and SDSU nursing! While UCLA is an absolute dream school, I am really nervous about the pre-reqs with premed majors. I don’t have a strong high school preparation in chemistry, calculus, and biology, so I’m scared of failing/doing poorly in those classes! I feel that SDSU would be a smarter move academically, as it’s not chem focused and it’s not as competitive. However, I feel that SDSU wouldn’t be as exciting socially.

Do you have any advice?

@uclahopefull: What exactly about SDSU’s Nursing program gives it a bad reputation. It does have a higher NCLEX pass rate than CSUF (only by a 3%) so what makes it inferior?? Niece is interested in Nursing school and just trying to gather first hand insights about the different programs.

@bayarealover Hey!!! Okay so I was super super super nervous about coming in and I felt the same way about preparation as you do. However, while it obviously has been challenging, it’s never been impossible and it’s basically about how much you’re willing to work. If you go to office hours and do homework and study, you’ll be fine. If you wanna party 24/7 (it gets lit from what I hear) you won’t do as well. That said, plenty of nursing students are in clubs and sororities and fraternities so they make it work. If you got in, they know you can handle it and you can get the support you need!! I would 234234123801283x recommend UCLA. I feel like all the nursing students (and most of the pre-meds for that matter) want to help each other and we all collaborate and support each other so you can definitely make it through with a strong work ethic. I totally believe you can do it but I also understand the fear! But yeah UCLA is definitely do-able :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

@ksgiesch Thanks so much for your insight!! I definitely feel better now! :slight_smile: Speaking of support, is there a lot of academic support on campus? I come from a really small collaborative high school, and I’m pretty nervous to make the transition to such a large and competitive university. I’ve read reviews saying that UCLA professors are unaccessible and generally leave you to teach the material to yourself. With lectures and homework, do you feel that the material is do-able and easy to understand?

@Gumbymom Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t have a “bad reputation.” The school just isn’t as much of a selling point to employers as some other schools, but that’s just what I hear. I cannot confirm if this is true.

@bayarealover I have found that to be true for some of them, but not all. I had a wonderful chem professor who knew my name out of 700 students. If you go to the prof’s personal office hours you can definitely get to know them well and get help, but sometimes, I’ve found the most effective way for me to learn has been studying with other students or talking to helpful TA’s (you have a discussion of only 20 people with a TA so it feels like a small class). Depending on the class, it can be hard or not so hard, but a lot of college is teaching yourself. I honestly like it way more than I thought because it gives you the ability to study in the way that is most effective from you rather than what the professor thinks works for you. You can totally get other kids together or get a tutor or go to a million TA and prof office hours - there are a ton of resources! Some clubs even offer free tutoring!

Posting this late, but I’ve been accepted to UCI nursing (regents!), Emory (dual-degree BS+BSN), and UCLA nursing! Personally, I’m more leaning towards UCLA :slight_smile: who else has been accepted/planning to attend to UCLA? I’m DYING to find a study buddy!!

@gingerspark99 congratulations! I’ve been talking to a couple kids who are coming here and it seems like your class will be really fun!