Nursing Decisions on West Coast 2017: Where are you thinking of going and why?

@kgiesch do you have any friends who are currently nursing students at csula, cuslb, sdsu? if so, how do they like it there?

@CaliforniaSoul i also applied to those schools! hopefully we will be hearing back tom and fri!!!

@staystrong0 I actually don’t know any people super personally, but the vague things I’ve heard have been positive. I’ll try and investigate more!

Did anyone get into UCI SON?

Any new UCLA nurses?

@uclahopefull let me know if u hear back cu I have not

I am very happy to be attending SDSU Nursing program this fall with a NCLEX pass rate of 96%. I we to the SDSU Explore Open House today and enjoyed meeting several nursing students. Message me privately if you will be at SDSU and would like to exchange contact info.

Update: Today I visited SDSU for their “Explore SDSU Day,” and I was absolutely impressed with the pride, character, and quality of the campus. The nursing program is amazing. I had such a nice time learning about all the different opportunities available to the nursing students. They made me proud to have been accepted into the program. That being said, this fall I will be attending Cal State Fullerton. What really attracted me about CSUF is the small nursing cohort. I believe only 34 students enroll in nursing each year, which I really like. I know that either campus would offer me a comparable nursing experience, so I am happy to have had the option to choose either school. Direct-admit programs are tough to get into, especially in California, so future applicants be sure to be on top of your game if you plan on attending either one of these schools. Good luck to all the amazing people on this site who have supported me in this journey, and I wish the best of luck to the West Coast RN class of 2021!

Congrats uclahopefull.

Will anyone else be attending SDSU?

@kgiesch UCLA and UCI seem to be unique among nursing schools in that their required nursing curriculum includes significantly more chemistry and advanced biology coursework than most other nursing schools in the U.S. I believe each school requires a quarter of Calculus too. Do you know why these additional science courses are required? Are they designed to weed students out of the program? They don’t seem to be required for advanced practice nursing…

@worldstudent I remember that UPenn had a strong emphasis on chemistry but I’m not sure about other schools! I think that they are aiming to have nurses really prepared to go into advanced fields especially with research and stuff, but otherwise they seem to just say that it’s for us to get ready for our upper div nursing science classes. The calculus kind of sucked and was definitely just a UCLA thing but it’s totally do-able, as are the chem classes. Hopefully I’ll be able to give better guidance once I’m a few years in and have figured out why we have to do chem. I’m sure that they have some reasoning, and virtually all the nurses who graduate from this program seem to go into strong fields of research or very strong clinical practice settings. We don’t get weeded though - in general science classes we only have to get a C- to keep our standing, and a C in normal nursing classes. I’m so sorry, I wish I had a better answer!

@kgiesch so the difference from what i understand is that because the UC schools are research schools, they want their students to take higher level courses such as calculus so that they can continue researching in the future too?
that is a noticeable difference between UC and CSU (specifically SDSU). I attended SDSU orientation this weekend and the nursing coordinator told us that calculus was not necessary for SDSU nursing.
would u say that calculus is needed in this field tho? or is it that UC’s like to take it a bit further than the CSU’s ?

@staystrong0 that’s the impression I get! I think that it’s not super necessary but that it doesn’t hurt. If anything, it just covers the bases in case you do want to go into an advanced field that needs it. And a lot of people (not me, lol) took calc in high school so they pass out of it anyway!

Stats is a required class in almost all nursing programs, and will be even more important for grad school. I didn’t see any nursing programs that recommended calculus or that had it as part of their curriculum. In many high schools, top students have a choice between AP calc or AP stats. Stats is far more useful.

In my daughter’s nursing program, they required two math classes - a basic applied math class and stats. She was very glad she took AP stats.

So now that all decisions have came out… We’re ya’ll heading off to?

@uclahopefull most likely sdsu!

I got into CSUF, CSULB, and SDSU for nursing. I got into UCLA, UCI, UCSD, UCSB, and UCD undeclared. I most likely will go to CSUF because it’s direct entry, but I’m still iffy because it isn’t necessarily considered a “good” school.
Stats- GPA: 4.38
SAT- 1430 on new/ 2090 on old
If you are planning to go to any of those nursing schools please DM me on instagram HAHAH @ohitskay

@kchung2689 Congrats on all your acceptances! I hope to see you at CSUF this fall!

I’ll Make sure to ask all nursing students if they are @uclahopefull !

I already decided to attend SDSU but just wanted to post I was waitlisted at UCI, so glad I made the right decision!!

UC GPA 4.1
ACT 31
Rejected: UCLA
Wait Listed: UCI
Accepted: CSUF, SDSU both freshman admit nursing
Will attend SDSU