Nursing: Pitt Vs. Drexel


I am a senior in hs and I am trying to decide between drexel and Pitt as a nursing major. I like both schools a lot, but I cant decide which I like better. I was admitted to Pitt’s nursing program and received full tuition, so it will only be about $15000/year for room and board, etc. On the other hand, Drexel is extremely expensive, but im Hoping to receive a decent scholarship there as well. My question is which school do you think is better for nursing overall in terms of post grad job placement, grad school admittance, quality of education, social life, etc. I am leaning towards pitt because it is ranked much higher, but do drexel,'s co ops beat that. My family keeps telling me that going to drexel helps you get a job at good hospitals post grad because of CO OP, but I would assume that Pitt also looks good. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

U. Pittsburgh has one of the most respected nursing programs in the US. There also are a wealth of clinical opportunities near U. Pitt. Enjoy your free tuition, and be thankful for it. By minimizing or avoiding debt as an undergrad, it will free you up to later take out loans for grad courses or post-grad certifications, which will make you even more marketable. Between your 3rd and 4th year, try to get a summer job at a hospital where you want to work after graduation - which may have the same net impact on your career as a coop job.

Pburgh is also a great place to go to college (which is surprising to some people).

In the past, other people have written that Drexel refuses to give BSN degrees to students who they do not feel will pass the RN exam on the first try. That is apparently how they maintain their unusually high first-time pass rate. I have no personal knowledge of this situation, but it is worth asking some hard questions. If that allegation is true, it is particularly bad because many BSN grads do pass on the second try.

In any case, a RN with decent grades will have the same starting salary whether their degree is from Pitt or Drexel. Therefore, why take on the extra tens of thousands of dollars of debt?

Many private universities (including Drexel) offer 50% off of tuition merit scholarships for top students, but very few offer free tuition.

Housing is also cheaper in safe neighborhoods near U. Pittsburgh than in safe neighborhoods near Drexel.

Thank you @Charliesch. This is exactly what I was thinking but I was uncertain because Pittsburgh is 5 hours from where I live, while drexel is only 30 mins away. I realize now that going further away would be worth it for Pitt.

@kat415 We have have visited both schools specifically for the nursing programs and I agree with everything @Charliesch mentioned above. Even without the co-op program, Pitt has plenty to offer with the UPMC network of hospitals, opportunities for undergraduate research and 1300+ clinical hours. We were told that 100% of graduates seeking jobs were employed.

I find Pittsburgh to be a very livable and more affordable city than Philly. There’s a lot to do, great restaurants, free transportation and museum entry with your school ID and plenty of green space within walking distance of the campus.

@RyanG1207 thank you for the insight. I have decided on Pitt now that I realize that it offers just as many if not more opportunities than drexel, especially for nursing

Congrats again @kat415 !

And thank you, @Charliesch. Your past posts on nursing programs provided a great deal of information that helped me guide my son during the college search process.

There also is regular AMTRAK service from Phila. and a couple adjacent areas to downtown Pittsurgh. That is a great way to travel, because it is comfortable and you can study or sleep during the trip, and also because you can avoid traffic backups during holiday weekends. Just make sure you buy tickets at least a month in advance to save money, and at least 4 months in advance for Thanksgiving break. I believe Pitt also has buses to the Phila. area during breaks.

Thanks Ryan.