<p>Hi! I am applying to an undergraduate 4 year university, and I have a 3.0 with some honors classes in a highly competitive high school, with unfortunately a low SAT (1300- one time so far).
I am searching for schools in the northeast, as I live in Boston and want to stay relatively close.
I've had a rough past with cancer 3 times at the age of 17, and I don't mean to pull the pity card but does that help?
I want to give back by giving my life as a nurse!</p>
<p>I know they are very competitive, and I need to know if I have a chance! Any suggestions for schools? Preferably small schools!</p>
<p>Did you diagnose that sat result yet?</p>
<p>Boston used to have a slough of nursing programs, but since nursing started moving to eliminate the RN only programs I’m not sure about the situation now. You can easily look these up however on the SuperMatch in the column on the left of this page. You can move the prefs around to see what turns up.</p>
<p>From what i’ve heard nursing programs are extremely difficult to get into. Know a couple if girls going to Salve Regina and Simmons for nursing and they love it there… </p>
<p>I love nurses, and I lived in Boston, so I decided to do my own search. Emmanuel, Northeastern, BU, MCPHS University, Simmons, UMass Boston, and Labouré come up on SuperMatch as Boston bachelors programs (there are RN programs in Boston but nursing is eliminating those programs over time). Salve Regina and Rhode Island C are 1-1.5 hours away by car. </p>
<p>As @streetcred noted, nursing program admission is hard to predict. Could you tell us how you’re doing in the science and math courses in hs? You could apply to all these schools, or you might want to consider a cc or a 2-year program or 2+2 program like Labouré’s. My best guess is that of these programs above only UMass might offer admission.</p>
<p>How are you going to pay for school? </p>