Nursing school help!

“A student who has failed (D, F, or WF) two (2) nursing courses, whether at a 2-year or 4-year institution (including ASU) will not be eligible for admission or continuation in the nursing program”

I was wondering if Anatomy and Physiology Lab was considered a separate class from Anatomy and Physiology Lecture or is it considered one course all together with the Lecture? Because I failed my AP Lecture & Lab… and wanted to know if I was still eligible for nursing school? (I retook them and got a B)

Sooo since I failed them both, is it considered just one failed science course or two? Thank you!!

Did they have separate course numbers and did you get two separate grades or one grade? That should tell you if they are considered separate classes. But is the course number BIOLXXX or NURSXXX? Because if it’s biology then it’s not a nursing course.

Yes, I received separate grades. The course number is BIO 2120

Ask your nursing advisor. At my institution, the required science courses, even without a nursing prefix will count as nursing courses.

You failed both lab and lecture, meaning failed two classes? At my daughter’s school lecture and lab are combined into one grade worth four credits.

Talk to your advisor immediately. Is there an opportunity to retake it and replace the grade?

So they are both under the same course number even though you received separate grades? That seems weird. Regardless, talk to your advisor like bearcatfan said, he/she will know more than some random people on the internet.

Why is it harder to get into the nursing program as a transfer student verses a student who is already attending the Univeristy?

I think polices vary greatly from college to college. Some colleges may give preference to their current students for the limited seats in the nursing program.

If someone has trouble with the RN curriculum, a backup is to consider a practical/vocational nursing program. You can then always try for a RN later.