Nursing school transfer

<p>I'm a first year Rutgers student interested in pursuing nursing but the chances of getting into the Rutgers nursing school isn't so high. Only 30 transfer applicants get in. I'm trying to apply to back up schools but most of them require classes that require you to be in the nursing school to take the class (such as anatomy & physiology or microbio) , or classes such as gen bio and gen chem which I cannot complete in one semester. Does anybody know of any nursing schools with a curriculum similar to Rutgers? Here's the link to their courses:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>It is often difficult to transfer into a direct entry nursing program. </p>

<p>You might look at a college like Thomas Jefferson U. in Phila. that offers a nursing program for juniors and seniors. It is designed for transfers.</p>