Nursing Schools in MA

I got into these nursing schools in MA and am having a really hard time deciding.

-Westfield State
-UMass Dartmouth
-UMass Lowell
-Worcester State

I also got into these out of state schools:
-Saint Anselm
-Salve Regina

If you have any thoughts on any of them let me know, just trying to get some insight!

I know UMass Dartmouth and your 3 out of state schools are all direct entry. If you were my daughter, I would be encouraging you to go direct entry. My daughter ONLY applied to direct entry programs. No need for added pressure your sophmore year!

Westfield State & Worcester State are both non direct admit - meaning you will need to submit a secondary application, usually in the sophomore year, for junior year admittance into the nursing program. All the other schools are direct admit meaning you are ensured a spot in the nursing program as an entering freshmen. MCPHS has a high drop out rate because they are cramming a 4 year program into 3 years [no summer vacations] and the school is vocational for the health sciences only. From reading previous threads, Saint Anselm apparently does grade deflating [very helpful to go through all the old nursing threads for info]. Quinnipiac is in a rural area and the campus is split. Total costs for UMass - Dartmouth & Lowell would be much less, since you are MA in-state resident, than the private schools if that is a consideration. No need for you to come out of college in major debt if it can be avoided. Have you visited any of the schools to see what feels to be the best fit? You can also go to the MA Board of Registered Nursing to check out the NCLEX results for the schools. I probably would pick between UMass Lowell or Dartmouth. You may be able to inter-transfer within the UMass system to other UMass nursing programs also. It is nice that you have so many options. Good luck with your decision!

Thanks for the advice! @blueskyforever are you sure that Worcester State and Westfield State are non direct admit? I was under the impression that all the schools I applied to were direct entry!

If you go to the 5th thread from the top, you will see the “Master List of Direct Entry Nursing Programs” & on page 13 is the most current list from 1-7-15. Westfield & Worcester State are not listed as direct entry nursing programs but you can also look at their websites or call the School of Nursing admissions office to further verify.

Hi–Congrats on getting into so many schools!

From everything I have read and learned from friends, Salve, Quinnie and Saint Anselm all offer merit scholarships for all majors ( I applied to 14 schools!) so many schools might cost you the same as attending your state schools. The most important criteria for me were:

  1. Direct Entry- as other people have mentioned, who needs to go through more stress later?
  2. When do nursing courses begin? Some schools start in freshman year and I find that very exciting..others make you wait until Junior year before taking nursing courses. Quinnie's nursing courses begin in Junior year. Salve has very nice nursing facilities, but 70% female and I want to be in the Boston area. UMass-Darmouth has always had a good nursing reputation as well as Worcester State....UMass-Lowell is more of a commuter school and I did not apply, but I believe they are building dorms.
  3. Saint A's has a great reputation and really smart kids...I have heard about grade deflation, but I know their NCLEX rate was quite high....and many of their students work at Boston Hospitals.

Good Luck!

@nwahs21‌ did you find out that Westfield State and Worcester State ARE direct entry? i saw they have been added the the MASTER LIST. Did you narrow down your decision? My d is applying to nursing schools and I think she should add Worcester State to her list. (one hour from home, good hospitals for clinicals, state school -Adams scholarship benefit-)

@nancy211005 Yes, Worcester and Westfield State are direct entry! I toured Worcester State and it was nice. Good facility but just couldn’t picture myself going there for some reason. They have a very high NCLEX pass rate though. I’ve narrowed it down to Umass Lowell and Westfield State I think. I like UML for their brand new nursing facility, reputable program, and clinical locations. However, I was blown away by Westfield’s staff who were beyond great at the accepted student’s day. They are also building a new science building that will open in 2016 so nursing students there will get a brand new simulation lab. Plus, their program is small so the professors really get to know the students which I really liked. Going to be a tough choice for me! I also got a good amount of scholarships at both schools plus the Adams one too which is a nice added benefit :smile:

@nwahs21‌ , thanks! Is there still time to add one of these schools to our list?? My d applied at UMass Amherst Nursing and was deferred. I’d like to add another state school. What about the dorms at Westfield State and UMassLowell, are they decent? Looking for something with more academic focus and less partying.

@nwahs21‌ , what was it about Worcester State that made you think you couldn’t picture yourself there? Thanks!

@nancy211005 Worcester State felt kind of like a high school to me when I was there for some reason, I’m not sure why. I still would suggest looking into it though! Unfortunately, I think all of the deadlines for the fall 2015 semester have passed but you could always try calling the school to see if they would take your application late. The dorms at both UML and Westfield were nice, UML’s were a little better. Their dorm where the nursing living learning community is (LLC) was very nice and I like how you have the option to study with other students. In addition, their honors dorms were just renovated and were great! Both schools also have brand new upperclassmen apartment/dorms too. I think any college your daughter chooses is going to have students who party and students who study hard, so its just a matter of finding the right group.

@nwahs21‌ Thank you for your time. You have been very helpful!