Nursing schools which accept transfers as a Junior

My daughter is currently enrolled at Quinnipiac where she just finished her freshman year. She decided she wants to go into nursing and is switching gears to classes she needs for the nursing major (Bio, A&P) etc. Unfortunately due to switching and the fact she needs Bio before she can take A&P it looks like it will take her 3 years to get them all done instead of two,

She would like to stay in the Northeast, preferably NY, NJ, CT. She finished her freshman year with a 3.8 GPA.
Can anyone recommend schools that would be a good fit for her. She likes various settings but prefers mid size schools (4,000 - 10,000).

I know Stony Brook requires the completion of all the science requirement prior to admission. Any schools that don’t? Thanks for the help.

I’ve been searching this and other websites. I’ve seen the list of direct admit schools here at CC and I have read that most of the non direct or 2 + 2 programs are in the south.
Does anyone know of a list of non direct nursing programs?

Thomas Jefferson University in Phila. specializes in accepting transfers for nursing at the start of a student’s junior year. They are merging with Abington Health, which also has a hospital-based nursing school. (I don’t know if the nursing schools will be merging). TJU has a list of prerequisites on their website. I believe they said you can complete some of them during the summer, right before you would start in Sept.

The more popular direct entry nursing programs typically do not have room for transfers. If a college has a high transfer or drop out rate, it may have more room for transfers.

Almost every program in the southeastern US (except UVa) is a 2-2 program. Examples include James Madison University, George Mason University in Va. and at least one program operated at a branch of U. Md.

This website has a function that allows you to search colleges for various criteria, including majors. You can then delete colleges that are listed on this site as direct entry. However, some colleges listed as direct entry also have a 2-2 program.

Has she checked with Quinnipiac Nursing? I know it’s a direct entry program, but sometimes there are spaces from students who decide not to study nursing after admittance or fail out. Does she not like the school at all? Or did QU say she would not be able to apply to their nursing program? I do know a few students who were able to stay at their own university and actually transfer into their university’s nursing program without transferring schools. It might take another year, but it may be worth checking. Good luck!

Check other schools requirements as well…if she is looking to transfer she may not need bio (many nursing schools do not have that requirement) and could get A&P I&II done her sophomore year or in the summer. If she likes the area, Fairfield may be an option too - not sure how that would work since she is not a student there but they may be open to transfers.

Per their website:

*Fairfield University students, who are currently enrolled in any major, have the option to change their major to nursing. The School of Nursing has created a unique opportunity for full-time, undergraduate students who have successfully completed Fairfield University core requirements to transfer into the School of Nursing. Nursing classes will begin in the summer between Junior and Senior Year. Students will join the accelerated nursing program students, maintaining their full-time undergraduate status, and graduate with a Bachelor of Science of Nursing in August following their senior year.