Nursing Schools

<p>jblan, at the very selective level, there can be a certain randomness in outcomes, so that not getting into school A does not mean you will not get into school B. Some colleges like certain high schools better than others; or are trying to lure kids from certain areas; or just react to an essay differently. </p>

<p>And deferral does not mean rejection. </p>

<p>Shanghai’s daughter’s strategy of health care managemnt as a backup plan is very smart.</p>

<p>Seems Like you have applied to ALL the same schools as my daughter!!!..She was denied at Pitt and Penn, accepted to Drexel and Dusquesne…deferred at Villanova…still waiting on Northeastern/Fairfield/U Mass-Amhearst/Penn State…</p>

<p>I think I did too! I applied to Pitt- deferred, Penn- applied regular decision, Drexel- just applied with the VIP application, Villnova- havent heard yet, Northeastern- deferred, Fairfield- havent heard, UMass- havent heard. I am also waiting on UConn and Boston College!</p>

<p>and then Ive gotten into Case Western and URI.</p>

<p>She did ED at Penn, and EA at 'Nova…Pitt wanted her to go to Pitt-Johnstown,though we’ll pass…</p>

<p>I think a lot of people in this part of the country apply to many of the same nursing programs. My daughter was accepted at Pitt & CWRU. Applied RD to UPenn and is working on her UVA application (essays). After UVa…she is done. Good luck everyone.</p>

<p>Penn has a great program,but at 50+k, it better be…Though they are a need blind school, so money is not an issue,if you get in…Has everyone visited all the colleges they applied to? The only ones we haven’t gotten to are Northeastern/U Mass</p>

<p>Penn isn’t anymore expensive than CWRU, and as you said they are supposedly “need blind”. Unfortunately getting accepted in UPenn is like winning the lottery. You have to have some other school acceptances to fall back on.</p>

<p>We still have to visit UVA. Supposed to be an attractive campus.</p>

<p>True enough, and Villanova is the same cost as Penn±, and if you had the choice,i think most, if not all, would choose U Penn…Since we are likley not getting financial aid, need-based meant nothing,lol…</p>

<p>My wife graduated from Pitt’s School of Nursing about 30 years ago and can’t believe that we are looking at 50K per year schools. She owed about 15k in loans for all her undergrad work and her MSN. Times may have changed…</p>

<p>It certainly is insane…One has to wonder the “true value” of such costs vs less costly schools…I have always been of the belief that your degree from a school gets you your 1st job(hence names/reputations of schools matter) after that, it is how good you are at what you do…</p>

Definitely an on-going conversation in our home and between my wife and her nurse co-workers. Opinions seem evenly split between attending the "better (and often more prestigious / expensive) programs and those that have the same NCLEX pass rates for a third of the money. Who are we to deny our poor daughter the opportunity to attend the best program that will admit her and take our money? LoL</p>

<p>I’m not suggesting to forgo a great school, but,lol, if she had to go to a 40k school after not getting in the 50k school,i wouldn’t be broken hearted ;)</p>

Would you feel only about 20% guilty? LoL I agree with your point.</p>

<p>The funny thing about some schools and their “tuition/room/board costs” is the fact they are not legit…The schools my daughter has been accepted to have given her $$$ without applying for financial aid…They seem to mark-up and then discount,lol</p>

<p>Also with another daughter 2 years behind, any scheckles saved is only temporary ;(
so no mid-life crisis sports car for me</p>

I have a son that is a HS junior and is only one year behind my daughter. Can’t wait to see if my EFC is actually cut in half with two in college.</p>

<p>Not getting any love!!! …Daughter deferred at Northeastern today…I just wish they’d say yes or no, this defer stuff is annoying…</p>

Wait until Spring when all these colleges come back with hat in hand. Stay positive…somebody will take your money.</p>

<p>i got rejected from boston college- i think case westerns program is better anyways though! whatever</p>

<p>jblan, you are ACCEPTED at 2 schools, so life is fine…The same goes for my daughter, she is in 2,denied 2,deferred 2, and waiting on Fairfield/Penn State/U Mass…My best guess is if she is accepted to Fairfield, she’ll want to go there…I like Drexel, as the proximity to great medical institutions,ie PENN/Chop,etc is a great opportunity for future employment</p>