Nursing Schools


Seriously! Think about all the students that don’t have any acceptance letters yet and those that haven’t even begun to apply. Most of us are in very fortunate situations.</p>

I got into uconn nursing with a similar gpa to yours. I’m sure you’ll be able to get in there! Don’t worry about Pittsburg I was told it was hard to get in so I didn’t even bother applying. Also just to not get discouraged, nursing is so much harder to get into so just because you were deferred from their school of nursing doesn mean you would be deferred from the school with an easier major. I’m sure you will find a great school out there!</p>

<p>Daughter accepted to Fairfield University…cha-ching…waiting on U Mass…deferred at 'Nova and Northeastern…accepted to Drexel and Duquesne…denied at Penn and Pitt…</p>

<p>I was deferred from Pitt Nursing as well! Lets hope everything turns out alright… i’m applying to Penn Drexel and Northeastern for my other colleges. Pretty nervous though because Penn says they release their decisions feb-march and im taking my SAT IIs for the first time in jan. do you think they’ll still consider me properly?? on the site it says itll put me at a disadvantage… anyways, lets hope pitts okay :)</p>

<p>accepted to U Mass, unfortuneately not to the nursing school,has to go undeclared…Hence,we’ll pass…</p>

<p>hello everyone my first post here. hope i’m not jumping the thread in the wrong way. what a challenge with helping son with finding the right school. here are his stats:</p>

<p>600 math 560 verbal. top 30% 50 of 180 of class where top 20 students have 100 + avg(competitive school in PA) he’s a 95.4 avg on 100 (3.8)
plenty of AP and some honors math, biology, english classes. rigorous sr yr curriculm
letter 3 yrs in baseball and football
mission trip to new orleans working with homeless and local doctors/nurses
peer mentor. community volunteer. job shadowing with local physician
strong recommendations from principal and community leaders
plenty of other school activities</p>

<p>denied at pitt,<br>
accepted at all PA state schools with entry to program freshman yr anyone have info on PA state schools.
waiting list at bloom. have 750 apps and filled 65 spots in early december. spoke to admissions, if yields are low they take him. accepted at desales
accepted at univ rhode island, anyone have info or experience there
waiting on Umass Uconn and Duquesne…thoughts on chances at these 3</p>

<p>taking on alot of debt big issue for him and us. </p>

<p>any last second school suggestions</p>

<p>spoke directly to temple recruiter on visit. their 1st yr of new 4 yr program. only looking at 1300 and above</p>

<p>qdogif: if you don’t mind me asking, what kind of stats on daughter considering she got in at duquesne.</p>

<p>thanks for help everyone</p>

<p>very similar SAT’s,ACT 26,loads of volunteering,some AP and honors,Gpa uw 3.7</p>

<p>Duquesne replied ratherly quickly with some merit $$$…Drexel also with some merit $$$…accepted to U Mass but not school of nursing, so that gets crossed off list…awaiting Penn State, which is weird considering she applied in Oct, and most/all friends who applied there, got answers already,though none were to school of nursing…deferred at 'Nova and Northeastern…accepted at Fairfield also…Denied at Pitt(Main campus), though they accepted her to Pitt-Bradford–NO thanks</p>

<p>You might also want to look at IUP, Gannon and Waynesburg nursing. My daughter applied to each (and was accepted) as “safeties”. IUP is particularly cost effective for in-state students. If I had to choose a nursing program in PA my list would be:
After the above I’d go for the most cost effective which (without merit aid) would likely be IUP (their Cook Honor College sounds nice).
Just my (parent) opinion.</p>

<p>Don’t forget Drexel, as the proximity to major medical centers and having a Co-op program makes it a better choice then PSU,though the costs are greater if no merit is included…PSU does there clinicals in hershey, so even if you are accepted to main campus, you’re there for only 2 years,And Hershey is boringgggggg, though as a parent maybe thats not a bad place :)</p>

<p>gdogpa…thanks good info. my son same at pitt and bradford campus…offered $5k in merit $ and no interest on his part…accepted at iup, visiting once schools back in session, he likes west chester as male cousin of his graduated from there in nursing and is doing in well. accepted at edinboro,new nursing facilty, will visit gannon when we go there drexel is not in mix. while he would do well in city a more spreadout “burb” campus is more his style. psu not in mix because of the 2 yr jump campus thing and alot of kids from here go to psu. wants to stake his own claim to college. duquesne app has been in for 3 weeks now. personally like it due to proximity to resources…side note on bloom meant to say they only take 65 nursing students and its filled already recvd 750 apps >>>>>>>>>>>>>any help with univ of rhode island anyone??? thanks to all for help</p>

<p>That is the same dilemma we consider with Penn State, the 2 years on main, then next 2 at Hershey…We will investigate if there is transportation back to main on weekends,if desired…We will go out to Duquesne,as we visited Pitt already and liked the city…If given “choice” today ,my d would likely choose Fairfield Univ…But we like Drexel and Duquesne, and getting merit at both plays a factor to some degree…If i can be of any assisitance,let me know…I know more about nursing programs then i should :)</p>

<p>thanks…qdogpa,where r u located…we visited u conn seemed like a good program, bit far very rural, not close too much of anything…temple toooo much city</p>

<p>"burbs of Philly… and didn’t look into temple at all</p>

<p>thanks, we in williamsport,pa area …honestly, what’s the scoop on west chester program,realizing it’s a state school keep in mind incurring debt an issue here</p>

<p>Not known as a school for nursing,per se…Not highly ranked by National Publications,ie, Us News has it below Philadelphia U,Ship, and tied with Rosemount…Not that their rankings matter too much…The school has a reputation for teaching, as does Millersville…And since it is only 5k less then Penn State,not sure of the significant savings…Curious to where clinicals would be done…PSU is Hershey, and anything in/near Philly,there are myriads of hospitals,and major ones at that…</p>

<p>here is an article talking about nursing programs in PA…</p>

<p>There are three educational options in Pennsylvania’s colleges for an undergraduate nursing degree, meaning a degree that will qualify you for taking the Registered Nurse qualifying exam (the NCLEX). The best example of the variety of Pennsylvania’s nursing degrees is Penn State, which operates the largest Pennsylvania nursing school, covering all options at one or more of its twenty campuses.</p>

<p>You can earn an associate’s nursing degree in Pennsylvania at Penn State and at most of the state’s community colleges. Most of the four year colleges and universities don’t offer this option. However earning a Pennsylvania RN to BSN degree is an option at most schools with nursing programs, which include University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh, Drexel, and the University of Phoenix at its six campuses, York College, and several others. </p>

<p>As in most states, Pennsylvania’s bachelor of nursing programs are becoming the degree of choice. Schools that offer this option include all of the above plus Eastern University, Temple, LaSalle, and Thomas Jefferson. Several of these schools including Penn State are accredited by the state to offer an accelerated degree in nursing for people who have already completed a bachelor’s in another discipline.</p>

<p>Most of these schools also have masters’ in nursing programs for Pennsylvania nurses who want to move into management. Pennsylvania’s doctoral degrees in nursing are offered at Villanova, Duquesne, Pitt, and most of the state’s well known universities mentioned here</p>

<p>I realize my D has yet to enter college,but we are looking into programs that would afford best opportunities at graduation, and those that offer master’s programs, as well as possible co-op programs during undergraduate studies</p>

<p>^ University of Scranton is also in PA. Do you know anything about it? The nursing program is relatively small (245), but there are three hospitals in Scranton.
The school (overall) seems to be ranked very high academically. (D offered good merit money.)</p>

<p>We do not live in PA.</p>

<p>Scranton is very well regarded by Us News, we didn’t apply there because not in love with area and prospective employment op’s after graduation…Right or wrong, we prefer schools that have major medical institutions nearby,usually found in major metropolitan areas…Not to say you get a degree elsewhere and get empoyed in the hospitals i suggest,but you’d be better off attending school nearby,maybe do some volunteering there,co-op, etc…</p>

<p>Alos depends on what type of nursing your child wants to pursue…We didn’t get into Penn,but spent a ton of time there with admissions,tours, shadowing, etc…I suggest, if you haven’t already. to do the same at any school you might want to attend…We plan on doing such,again,with schools we’ve been accepted to…</p>

<p>Have you been out to Scranton, and sat thru some classes, walked the campus,met the Dean?</p>

<p>D will visit top three choices again.
Plans to meet with Nursing Dept. May eventually want to go to graduate school. </p>

<p>Just walked the campus on Monday. No students were there…:slight_smile: We will go back. We really liked the city.</p>

<p>Any thoughts on these nursing programs anyone? We are from Mass and daughter has been accepted into 9 nursing programs. These 4 are HER top four. I would like her to stay in the Northeast, but she has other plans!</p>

<p>University of Vermont
University of Colorado-Denver
University of Seattle
University of San Francisco</p>

<p>We found this, but we are not sure who the “experts” are. </p>

<p>[Colleges</a> with Outstanding Nursing Programs |](<a href=“The Best College Rankings and Lists | Inside College | CollegeXpress”>The Best College Rankings and Lists | Inside College | CollegeXpress)</p>

<p><a href=“The Best College Rankings and Lists | Inside College | CollegeXpress”>The Best College Rankings and Lists | Inside College | CollegeXpress;