<p>Yes, I made another one of these threads. I stress too much about these regents tests.</p>
<p>Does anybody have a list of good supreme court cases to know? I have a really long one, but it seems like we don't need to know that much.</p>
<p>I would have just studied on my own, but the NYS regents site is down (due to student traffic, I assume).</p>
<p>Taking them tomorrow, dont feel liek studying.</p>
<p>WHY on earth would you STUDY for a REGENTS? LOLOLOL</p>
<p>If you're on CC then you should be laughing your ass off at that "rhetorical" question....</p>
<p>I dl'd two of the old ones and they are a joke. If you took AP USH then this test is automatic 90+</p>
<p>I'm aiming for a 98+. :X</p>
<p>Sorry piccolo, some of us aren't English/soc guys.</p>
<p>Believe it or not, I did not take AP USH. I know it's an easy test, but that's no reason not to want to ensure a good grade. </p>
<p>Also, I wasn't obsessing over it. Notice that I posted this thread the night before the test, </p>
<p>I'll make sure to consult you, piccolo, before I study for a test so you can tell me whether it's too easy to study for. ****. (I actually did type the asterisks, not an expletive)</p>
<p>what did you guys think?</p>
<p>I was worried about several questions, but I think I got them all.</p>
<p>thematic had 4 components right?
choose 2 changes, and for each change say how industrialization caused it and a positive or negative effect (meaning you only have to state 1 effect)</p>
<p>dbq had 2 components : compare women and civil rights based on
- goals
- methods</p>
<p>correct, wendyling</p>
<p>My essays:</p>
1st body: growth of monopolies
2nd body: new inventions and technology</p>
1st body: both wanted equality
2nd body: both used civil disobedience and public rallying</p>
<p>mc was harden than expected, my answers:</p>
<li>atlantic + pacific ocean</li>
<li>transport farm goods to markets (what mississippi used for)</li>
<li>great depression (brother spare dime)</li>
<li>caused national debt (new deal)</li>
<li>medicare (helped old ppl)</li>
<li>expand markets and navy (what was panama canal for)</li>
<li>threat to american constitution ppl (trojan)</li>
<li>13th amend (no servitude)</li>
<li>something about (submarine warfare german)</li>
<li>soviet's sputnik led to moon</li>
<li>holocaust led to nuremberg</li>
<li>rations were to conserve stuff for military use</li>
<li>filled by population of state (house of reps)</li>
<li>unwritten constitution</li>
<li>september 11 (which led to others)</li>
<li>all part of us-soviet relations</li>
<li>federal power over states (marshall)</li>
<li>threat individual liberties (antifederalists feared)</li>
<li>something about article 1, section 8</li>
<p>I got all of those except the new deal nat'l debt one :( </p>
<p>You were right; I put weakened labor unions (I assumed it did because of stronger government intervention).</p>
<p>anyone remember the submarine one?</p>
<p>and if youd like to post answers please do so :] so far i have 2 wrong</p>
<p>"- something about (submarine warfare german)" -wendyling
I got something about freedom of the seas. All the other answers sound right. Does anyone remember any more?</p>
<p>I chose to write about and increase in immigration and an increse in urbanization as the causes of industrialization. I basically said that industrialization creat many more jobs (in different words) and created a pull to America/cities. The effects I said were racism ("Know-Nothing" Party, KKK) and vulnerability to epidemics (NYC cholera epidemic: overcrowding, no sewer system, no garbage disposal system).</p>
<p>In my DBQ, I wrote a good intro, conclusion, transition, and I also used all but one document (there was a biblical allusion in Doc 9, and I wasn't exactly sure how to use it). I covered all the tasks, but I don't think I used enough outside info. </p>
<p>I said women wanted suffrage, and used propaganda and protesting. I said African-Americans (I generalized them to represent the civil rightists; mistake?) wanted general equality ("understanding"), and used rallies, boycotts, and sit-ins.</p>
<p>My outside info:
19th Amendment
Seneca Falls Convention
Thomas Jefferson's dream fo an agrarian society
SNCC and their sit-ins
- The Warren and Burger Court
- Kennedy and Eisenhower (as civil rightsy Presidents)
.-> Explained the last two ones concisely as a closing statement really.</p>
<p>uh oh...i said women, like african americans, wanted political social and economic equality...am i wrong? i thought that the woman's suffrage movement invovled more than just voting, since they at the same time had general equality goals too.
<p>I somehow managed to use all 9 sources in my DBQ essay.</p>
<p>yea it was freedom of seas. ok...i remembered:
- assimilation (dawes)
- concurrent powers (both states and fed. taxed)
- populist party platform (silver, direct elect)
- 21st am (repeal prohibition)
- civil war (writ of habeas stopped)
- cotton gin invented (why did slavery increase)
- job opportunities (af-am's move north)
- suburban growth (interstate highway act)
- something about espionage and sedition acts alien
- intolerance immigrants (saccho)
- fall of berlin wall (true end of cold war)
- infleunce communists in govt (truman and mccarthy's stuff)
- desegration (something about little rock)
- peace treaty israel and egypt (david)</p>
<p>dude i put down like 35 ques rofl! only 15 more...?</p>
<p>I don't think the answer was Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, I think it was the Gulf of Mexico and something else... </p>
<p>It wouldn't work for the 19th century.</p>
<p>Also are you sure it was Concurrent Powers and not Reserved Powers?</p>
<p>I also don't remember anything about the Espionage and Sedition Acts.</p>
<p>I think it was concurrent powers (I got it wrong, but just looked it up). </p>
<p>The other part of the Gulf one was the Missouri river, which doesn't make sense. I think it was Atlantic and Pacific because of the War of 1812 and the purchase of Alaska, respectively.</p>
<p>I vaguely remember an Alien and Sedition Act mentioned, but I can't tell you for sure if I got it without knowing the question.</p>
<p>Yunu, in the 18th century, America started campaigns for Manifest Destiny (to stretch from "sea to shining sea"). Also, the answer was concurrent ppowers because both New York state and the federal government were able to take. if it were a reserved power, then the headline about the federal gov't taxing wouldn't've (yea for double contractions!) been there.</p>
<p>I messed up on my DBQ. I wrote out the similarities and difference, but I never specifically stated if there was one and what it was.</p>