NYC girl wanting to know if this is the right place

<p>So it’s senior year, and you guys all remember that special time when you had to juggle school work, school LIFE, outside life, and college apps. That’s the same everywhere, whether you’re from Arizona, California, or my home, New York City.
But NYC is a special place in other respects: for one thing, the diversity tops here. But so does money, something I’m not too keen on giving up if i don’t have to. Which is why when I got a full scholarship to U of A, I’m bouncing in my seat.
Buttt … i have some issues that i’d like somebody to resolve. My parents are both Nigerian … so by any standards, I am African, as in African-American, as in black. Is Arizona the place for me? I’m also a city girl, accustomed to public transport and excitement and culture smashing CONSTANTLY. I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t enjoy these things.
What is U of A like, and what do you guys think? Is it the place for me? Should I suck it up and just stay home, or try another state in New England?
responses people, i need responses :D</p>

<p>UofA is in the midst of Tucson. We call it the Old Pueblo. While this is a large city it is most definitely not nyc. My D goes to school in NYC so I know the diff lol. I can count on one hand the “clubs” you would find acceptable. Most kids hang out at restaurants or each others homes. The campus is quite large and something is going on all the time. Uofa is a big big sports school, that might be fun for you. You wont get far using public transpo as it is limited to buses and the cat tran. These require walking and it is hot. Anyway it is 5 hours drive to san diego and 2 hours to phoenix. Pm me if hou have questions</p>