<p>Hi guys...
I want to know which application are you guys using for NYU? There is the Embark and The Common Application. So any opinions as to which one is better.</p>
<p>I used the common app, just because it gave more space for describing extracurriculars than Embark (like where it asks for your position/honors earned and where you briefly describe the EC) and because my essay fell under the “Topic of your Choice” category and not one of the essay choices that Embark had. But I think it’s just a personal preference kind of thing, one application isn’t necessarily better than the other.</p>
<p>I liked embark better, it had a better feel to it. More NYU-official-ness haha</p>
<p>Exactly! I used Embark because it felt more NYU-official. That’s funny.</p>
<p>Thanks guys … I think I’m going to use the Embark app. Good Luck to all!!!</p>
<p>if we use the common app, can we use the common app teacher and counselor rec forms or do we have to download the additional forms from the NYU site?</p>
<p>You can use the common app teacher and counselor forms</p>
<p>Does the Embark site save your application? Are the essays written online? (Sorry if these are, in reality, stupid questions)</p>
<p>I started with Embark, but then switched to Common App because my essay was too long for Embark and I didn’t feel like shortening it. about 700 words. lol</p>