NYU...difference between colleges? HELP!

<p>What's the difference between appyling to Stern for Economics or the Department of Arts and Science for Economics???
Does one teach the major better than the other..more in depth?? Is it easier to get into one than the other??</p>

<p>Stern is much more competitive; I believe it’s nearly Ivy-level competition. An NYU diploma in the business world is very impressive for whichever specific school, although to graduate from Stern definitely sets you apart.</p>

<p>what sat math, cr. thinking, and writing scores will i need?
i currently have 650-math 710-cr.th 710-wr</p>

<p>now i didn’t apply to stern, nor was i interested in doing so, so this may be completely wrong…but it’s my impression that while those are very strong scores, and will definitely be considered good for CAS, may be weak for Stern, especially if you’re doing economics, i’d GUESS (and again…may be wrong) you’d need low-mid 700s…i found this thing on yahoo answers that said in 2005, 24.6% were accepted, w/avg. gpa of 3.7 and SAT score of 1395…and you could infer that it’s become increasingly difficult since then</p>

<p>wait here’s a site with more recent stats: </p>

<p>[Undergrad</a> - BSchools](<a href=“http://bwnt.businessweek.com/interactive_reports/undergrad_bschool/]Undergrad”>http://bwnt.businessweek.com/interactive_reports/undergrad_bschool/)</p>

<p>avg. SAT is 1438/1600</p>