NYU HEOP Summer Program

<p>I have recently been accepted into NYU through the HEOP program. It is required for all HEOP students to attend a non-credit summer course. Anyone who has attended this summer course, what did you think of it? I am wondering if the classes are easy or extrememly difficult. Also, are the classes personalized for each student or are they the same for everyone? Lastly, what type of classes must I take my freshman year? Are they the core classes only or can I choose what I want to take (along with core courses)? Thank You, no inappropriate replies please.</p>

<p>Any reply at all? ANYTHING?</p>

<p>Summer Pre-Freshman Program</p>

<pre><code>* Writing

  • Math
  • Morse Academic Plan (MAP) Core Courses
  • Science
  • Economics

<p>[Opportunity</a> Program Home](<a href=“http://www.nyu.edu/op/services_academic.html]Opportunity”>http://www.nyu.edu/op/services_academic.html) </p>

<p>Were you accepted ED or RD through HEOP?</p>

<p>I applied regular decision. Anyone received his or her financial aid package yet?</p>

<p>Hi~ I’m having an interview with NYU HEOP staff this coming Tuesday. How was your interview? Were the questions they asked different from those they asked the regular students? BTW, how did your dress up for the interview?
Thank you so much~</p>

<p>oh btw, did u bring any resume, transcripts or other materials except for the income tax return and FAFSA application? thanks alot~</p>

<p>Bring your 2007 and 2008 tax returns, as well as your FAFSA. If you filed for TAP then bring that too. They will need everything. They will let you know of anything else. Prepare your questions before you enter the room. Make sure you know exactly what to say. They will ask questions like any other college. Questions on why you want to go to NYU? Questions about time management, organization, and study habits. But, every interview is different. It depends on who you get. I wore a white skirt, with flats, and a pink/purple shirt. Just act mature and read over your essays that you submitted. Good luck!</p>

<p>oh and no I did not bring a resume. They already have your transcripts and all your information. They just need your financial information and what type of person you are.</p>

<p>Thank you mango~ I had my interview yesterday. It went pretty well. They said they are sending out the decisions on or after April 1st. Fingers crossing now. I hope I can see you in the summer ^^.</p>

<p>Hi xmangox~
I got my acceptance letter on Apirl 4th. Do you know anything or any more steps I need to do right now to complete the admission process ( besides reply my decision to the school)? Also, did you receive your financial package? ( I haven’t received it yet). Could you tell me what’s the difference between the HEOP financial package and the regular financial package?
Thank you very much for all your help!</p>