NYU Loan Predictions?

ACT: 33
GPA: 4.12
ECs: Math League for 4 years, Masterminds Quiz Bowl for 3 years, Volunteering in Hospital ~50 hours, Volunteering tutoring refugee children with homework in the library since I was a refugee child myself ~75 hours

Assuming I got into NYU and my FEC is 0, what do you think a good prediction of my financial aid would be? I talked a girl this week who said her financial situation was similar to mine but her GPA was lower and she got a 29 on the ACT and she received a 30,000 scholarship. I’ve also talked to a bunch of people through social media who got an MLK scholarship or CAS scholarship, and I’m wondering if anyone with one of those thinks they would consider me a good contender (especially if I wrote an essay centering around my volunteer work).

The net price calculator has my final price as 18k, which is basically only room/board.

If you guys need some more info to make a good prediction, feel free to ask. I’ve read that NYU meets ~75% of need on average, with financial aid nearing 35k on average.

Please don’t leave rude or condescending comments, or talk down on me for trying to get something out of a “stingy school.” I’ve been berated on CC before for asking some simple questions, so please just try to help in any way if you can!

NYU is known for very crappy aid, unless you are very poor and instate. The NPC is the crudest possible version available, the worst, and the most unreliable I have ever seen from a school in that category. It is the same as schools which are christian evangelical that give aid only based on fafsa. Is that talking down to you? So sorry, you do not get to pick. Basically you will have to pay much more.

NYU does not guarantee to meet full need…and they don’t. In addition, they practice preferential packaging…meaning stronger students get better packages.

In addition, NYU requires the CSS Profile in addition to the FAFSA. The information on the Profile is used to award institutional aid.

Also, don’t believe anything anyone else tells you about their financial situation or need based on merit aid when it comes to colleges. Likely, the whole story is not known to you.

And even WITH a $30,000 scholarship…there would be about a $40,000 balance to pay. What have your parents told you about how much they will contribute annually to college. If your EFC is $0, they likely cannot afford NYU.

Why NYU?

You can apply and wait and see. But don’t make this your “Dream school”. Maybe it will work out…but have LOTS of other options.

I would strongly urge you to look at more affordable options.

I’ll predict a $5815 Pell Grant and a $5500 loan. And unfortunately I may be closer to your actual offer than the NPC calculator. Don’t fall in love with this school.

You are a sophomore with no scores. No one can predict what can and will actually happen.

Ask next year when you have real scores.

I’ve known of several cases where NYU gave only a small grant while Columbia and Barnard awarded a GRANT that covered the full cost of attendance. A few students are lucky and get substantial financial aid but NYU is notorious.

This is most definitely comparing apples and oranges. Columbia and Barnard guarantee to meet full need for ALL accepted students.

NYU does not guarantee to meet full need for all…and it doesn’t.

True, but there is a certain irony that you can go to an Ivy for free and pay a fortune for NYU.

No irony at all. Some schools have deeper pockets.

It’s also easier to gain admittance to NYU than to the Ivies unless you are applying to TISCH.

The generous need based aid at the Ivies and similar schools does you NO good unless you are in the under 10% of accepted applicants.

Check the meaning of the word “irony”. A person can be full pay at Adelphi or Hofstra but go to Princeton for free. This is not ironic. This is how need based/meets full need/ works.