<p>My friend told me today that he was called to set up an interview for NYU.</p>
<p>He's applying to Stern.</p>
<p>I was under the impression that NYU didn't do interviews though...</p>
<p>My friend told me today that he was called to set up an interview for NYU.</p>
<p>He's applying to Stern.</p>
<p>I was under the impression that NYU didn't do interviews though...</p>
<p>They only do interviews for the opportunity programs. HEOP and C-STEP.
There is only 300 spots(250 HEOP, 50 C-STEP)therefore have to do interviews to see if the applicant is truly eligible and if they would like that person to have one of the spots.</p>
<p>[Opportunity</a> Program Home](<a href=“http://www.nyu.edu/op/heop_eligibility.html]Opportunity”>http://www.nyu.edu/op/heop_eligibility.html)</p>
<p>[Opportunity</a> Program Home](<a href=“http://www.nyu.edu/op/cstep_eligibility.html]Opportunity”>http://www.nyu.edu/op/cstep_eligibility.html)</p>
<p>Yeah…we’re from California…</p>
<p>Those both state the the student has to be a NY resident…</p>
<p>Hmm. That is weird lol. Only thing I can think of is if it is major with limited spots?</p>
<p>But yea the opp. program is the only interviews I heard of.</p>
<p>uh, that’s a little weird. we don’t do interviews. i know that the office of undergrad admissions does events and stuff, but that’s AFTER students are accepted.</p>