Hey, I would really appreciate some opinions and facts on this:
I was accepted into NYU’s GSP, which is a 2 year program, and if completed successfully (3.0 GPA), I’ll get into the original college I applied to.
I’ve also recently been put on CMU’s waiting list, and I sent out my reply to be put on the priority waiting list yesterday.
I want to go to NYU because it’s been my dream school for a decade (seriously lol, ever since I was 6). But I want to go into a good med school, and GSP may not be the strongest program for me to go into. My dad wants me to go to CMU, but I’m not even sure I can get in; also, I don’t like being so far from home and living in the midwest-ish.
What are the chances of me going into CMU from the priority waiting list? Which school should I go to? I would really like any opinions you have, as well as statistics on the schools.
Thanks a lot,