so i recently committed to uc davis but just today i was notified that i got off the waitlist at nyu and i have 3 days to decide where i’m going so i desperately need advice !!

nyu is 20k more expensive (70k vs 90k) but my parents are willing to pay either way so it’s not a top concern

i’m majoring in biochemistry and overall biochem is usually ranked higher at nyu but there isn’t as much info on the major as there is at uc davis , uc davis also has way more biochem majors in general so idk how much better nyu actually is for the major or if it is at all ,

i like the vibes (more independent, less sports focused, big city with lots to do) and the weather of nyu better but my parents are like really concerned about crime in nyc since nyu is such an open campus so if anyone has any experience/input on that that would be great !!

the connections and prestige of nyu is def better than uc davis but i’m not sure how much better it really is especially with the major being so small

any advice would be appreciated cuz this is all very stressful rn , thank you <3

My only advice…don’t pick a college based on your perception of prestige.

What do you plan to do with this degree in biochemistry?

These are such different schools that it shouldn’t be that hard a decision.

Davis is really strong in bio stuff but can’t compete with nyu in the prestige department on a national or international level.
Obv Davis will be 90% Californians and nyu will be geographically diverse. I certainly wouldn’t label UCD with a big sports culture.

Both have city access but Davis is a true college town with a huge biking culture, lots of earthy outdoorsy kids. This is where it differs most starkly with nyu. If you choose nyu it is for New York City and the absence of a typical college campus and life. Not my thing but it might be yours.

I agree…and the OP knows NYU doesn’t have this strong sports culture either.

I think this student needs to consider why they applied to Davis, got accepted and committed to attend. Look carefully at those reasons.

If the only reason for a change is “prestige”, I would think twice.

What else, beside prestige, would make you switch schools?

And will grad or professional school be after your bachelors? If so…how will that be funded?

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thank you everyone for your responses !!

i just wanted to clarify that i like the overall environment of nyu better and the lack of sports and the location is a plus for me

as in why i committed to uc davis, it was the only school i originally got into besides my safety so i didn’t have too many options in that department , i like the biking culture but i don’t know if small california town is really my vibe , also i generally don’t like warm weather so i was dreading that originally

as for what i’m doing with my degree i’m not sure yet , maybe med school maybe work for like a biotech company (which is why my dad prefers uc davis because there are a lot of biotech companies in sacramento apparently ?) but if i end up at med school i think nyu would provide me with better connections in that department ? not sure

i’m just scared that i would be wasting money on a potentially worse biochemistry degree simply because i like the nyu environment better

If the finance is not an issue, i definitely choose NYU. You may need to pursue a PhD degree to get a decent job. This requires you to have research experiences. You will have more opportunities to find research labs at NYU.

both will have plenty of research opportunities and connections. both will get you into med school.
you obviously like NYU better. go there. it’s def an experience to live in NYC in your 20’s. it’s pricey as heck but you aren’t exactly getting a steal with UCD either.

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