NYU vs UMiami

<p>NYU and UM are now my top choice schools. </p>

<p>Costs aren't really an issue, so I'm trying to decide which would be better for me.</p>

<p>I have absolutely no idea what I want to study, so I'm just aiming to go to a university that is academically strong in general. </p>

<p>In terms of prestige I know NYU wins, which sometimes tips the scales in NYU's favor for me.</p>

<p>But NYU is ranked 32 and UM is 44, and I feel like by the time I graduate college UM might be pretty equal with NYU. </p>

<p>Overall I'm very much undecided. </p>

<p>Help : /</p>

<p>If your primary concern is prestige, I would go to NYU. </p>

<p>There’s really no certainty where UM or NYU will be in the rankings in 4-5 years when you graduate.</p>

<p>If cost is not a factor, go to NYU. USNWR is not the only rankings out there. I can’t really take it’s rankings seriously when it has Emory ranked higher than Berkeley. There are several others (ARWU, Times, Forbes) that rank NYU significantly higher than UMiami. NYU is definitely more prestigious than UMiami. NYU has much better name recognition than UMiami.</p>

<p>It all depends on what kind of feel you’re looking for. NYU is smack dab in the middle of New York City; the dorms are essentially converted hotels, and the campus is spread across a number of city blocks. Miami is located in a suburb with a fairly closed-off campus. Each campus has a completely different feel. I’d highly suggest visiting each one so you can feel which one is better for you, as opposed to solely basing your decision off facts and figures you can get online.</p>

<p>Have you visited both? Sure, they’re both “city” schools, but as far as cities go, Miami and NYC are worlds apart. Not only that, but NYU is smack in the middle of the city, while Miami has a campus “bubble” a few minutes from downtown.</p>

<p>Go wherever you think is the best fit. If you work hard get good grades and take advantage of opportunities given to you (of which there will be many at whichever school you choose NYU UM or any other institution) then it won’t matter what school’s name is on the diploma only your name and what you did at that school. I myself am trying to make the same decision as you except between Miami and Northeastern. The name you make for yourself will be more important that the name that the school has built up over the years.</p>

<p>midwesternboy - as a parent, I’m very impressed by your perspective. I also couldn’t agree with you more. It’s not where you go, it’s what you do once you’re there.</p>

<p>Now, if you want your experience to include other things, that might steer your path. Do you want major sports at your school? What type of climate would you prefer? What are the housing opportunities for your four years? Is there a good honors program? Miami has the Foote Fellows program, which is amazing. Is that a factor? Where do you want to settle after graduation (prestige often varies in the eye of the beholder)?</p>

<p>Best of luck with your choice - you can’t make a bad decision in this case.</p>

<p>well if you dont know what you want to study i would go with NYU because they have a better liberal arts program</p>

<p>C’mon-Big Apple.</p>

<p>So OP, have you even applied to college yet? Just today you were posting about Northwestern versus Michigan. Yet Miami/NYU are your top choices. Which is it?</p>

<p>People are happy to offer advice on these threads to those who give enough information to go on.</p>

<p>My friend has access to my CC account. Those are her top choices so that would explain the other post :D</p>

<p>I have applied for RD.</p>

<p>From what I’ve been told by several members of the UM administration, the university is making tremendous strides in academics. However, that doesn’t always reflect in rankings so quickly, because some metrics like 6-year graduation rate or graduate programs have lag effects of several years. It’s a bit of an age bias, and I always tell prospective canes to remember that UM is the second youngest of the top 50 USNWR schools. </p>

<p>That said, definitely check out both campuses (if cost of tuition isn’t too big of a factor, neither should be a few weekends of travel). City v Campus is a huge difference, and make sure you take into account the happiness of getting sunburns in february ;)</p>

You made a mistake and actually answered a question directed to ur
@jakey54 account.
Is it obvious that you are the same person. What possible motivation can you have for doing this?<br>
just wundering!</p>

<p>Which one did you decide ? I am on the same page… however I am debating between NYU (SCPS) or UM (CAS) I love NYU I just dont know if scps is a good school compared to CAS at University of Miami … any help?</p>