NYU Waitlist 2023

iA if she is they will send an email. Best of luck to her!

Does anyone know if the next wave usually comes out in a matter of days (maybe tomorrow) or the next week?

Who cannot click Awaiting Confirm Your Enrollment (Updates within 24 hours) to accept?

could u add me to the groupme, thx

who can add?

how to add you

i need the share link, snap: mohtasim_h

anyone hear about Tandon???

do you guys think more decisions will come out tomorrow? like Steinhardt?

Steinhardt came out to my friend

@dc12345 what program

@dc12345 recently or at 4 EST like everyone else?

Any idea how many kids were taken off the waitlist today?
One or two from every school?

soooo tisch decisions are out. shouldnt expect anything from them for the rest of the week? or is that hard to say?

@mmcowart just gotta wait and see

@mmcowart how do you know Tisch came out? And what major in tisch?

@mohowl if you wanna be added pls add me on my snap so i don’t have to manually add everybody lmao add me @ ellaaimei for the groupme link

Hi everyone, just signed up to provide some info. My daughter was accepted off the waitlist around 4pm (in the northeast) into the Liberal Studies program. She did get the interest email last Thursday and RD. We’re still trying figure out what this program is as there seems to be both negative and positive feedback. Let me know if you have any info. I’m just worried many Majors that she’s apparently allowed to transfer into later will not be accessible to her because this program may limit her course prerequisites. Good luck to all!

did anyone get off the waitlist for rory meyers?

Hopefully CAS offers are extended soon…