NYU Waitlist 2023

so is mine

Mine too

dance for us. how about your daughters?

Mine is Drama/Acting (not MT)

This whole waiting game stinks! I think the school she has accepted is a perfect fit for her though. I guess it does work out in the end. Fingers crossed for everyone.

She was waitlisted at three BFAs and has accepted at a school with a good BA program and very strong academics. She was accepted off of one WL on Tuesday (Emerson) We’re just waiting to see what happens at the others and then she will make a final decision. But it’s hard to move forward with summer plans and the roommate thing when it’s all a bit up in the air. I’m a planner so it’s driving me nuts!

We are both planners so it’s making us crazy!

@bbeft13 @MeetNYU

NYU said they’re giving out waitlist offers early next week. Does that mean next Monday (which is the 13th) or is it the coming Monday?

Where did they announce that info?

@invban10 I’d assume this coming Monday

My daughter just received an email requesting that she complete a waitlist continued interest form by Sunday 5/5.

Just got an email from NYU I am so excited!

Where’s the form they’re talking about from the email?

I could not find the form in my portal. Can anyone tell me where is that located?

we could not find it either

I can’t find the form, is this different from the one we already submitted?

i can’t find it either i just emailed them

I can’t find the form either, I’m assuming they need some time to update their servers and such… I’ve been obsessively checking every 5 minutes since they sent out the notice lol

Did everyone who got the email get it before 7:30?