O my gosh please help me...

<p>I did a very big mistake when choosing the colleges i wanted to go to. I accidently put applying as freshmen for SPRING 2009 when i was suppose to pick Fall 2009. I Am freaking out and so scared because one of the colleges i applied to said they accepted me and told me to come march 2nd to begin the first day of class and i didn't even graduate yet. What do I do now? Pleassee help me.</p>

<p>Call them?</p>

<p>yeah,this is serious. Call on the schools right now.</p>

<p>wow I wonder if the school has anyway to “contact” them for any inquiries like this? Idk maybe…call? I mean this might sound crazy but you can actually talk to someone that can help you over the phone! Intersting right?</p>

<p>Umm… I might consider graduating early from HS and going to school! :)</p>

<p>Kidding… pick up the phone on Tuesday (offices most likely closed on Monday).</p>

<p>Haha glad to see I’m not the only one who made stupid mistakes! I accidently applied to the wrong program on some of my schools lol</p>