OA cookout

<p>Thank you timeflew for posting!!! I like the RAP at the end! HAHA! They obviously worked very hard and did some wonderful community service, but they also had a GREAT time and made many new friends. My DS was a leader with a friend (and this year a roommate). Guess where they met? Yep OA 2010! ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>Thank you so much for posting this!</p>

<p>Enjoyed watching the OA Slide show. Anyone know if there is one for AA?</p>

<p>Proud of all our OA students!</p>

<p>[U&lt;/a&gt; of A volunteers help clean Hurricane Creek - YouTube](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>

<p>[Outdoor</a> Action](<a href=“http://www.perrylakes.org/outdooraction%202011.htm]Outdoor”>http://www.perrylakes.org/outdooraction%202011.htm)</p>

<p>trvlbug beat me too it! LOL!</p>

<p>Wake210-I would also love to see a slide show for AA!</p>

<p>Thanks for all the links showing the work. Really enjoyed the video by the Friends of Hurricane Creek. What a great opportunity for the students to do some very needed work.</p>

<p>Travelbug, I had not seen the Hurricane Creek video! WONDERFUL! How nice of that group to be so complimentary of The University of Alabama students! As they say in the end of the video ROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL TIDE ROLL!</p>