ochem professor fall 2012?

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>does anyone know who is a better and easier professor? i read comment on ratemyprofessor, but i just want some personal opinions.</p>

<p>Professor Ternanski, Perrin, Opella, or Whitesell?</p>


<p>ternansky > perrin >>>>>>>>>> whitesell > opella</p>

<p>for details, look at any of those professors’ surnames in the archives. it’s a popular topic.</p>

<p>For whatever reason people seem the most opinionated on chemistry professors. Maybe it’s because chem classes are generally seen as hard and a lot of bio majors take them that don’t necessarily want to be doing so, but it’s still feels pretty disproportionate compared to other departments.</p>

<p>I’m super-opinionated on chem classes bc it was my major and I only know good gossip on their professors ;)</p>