Oct 8 Writing Section

<p>Ok, since i don't see a writing section topic, i might as well make one.</p>

<p>I thought the Essay was pretty good. The first MC was easy, i'm 95% sure i got the first MC all right. I think there were 2 tricky questions on the second MC, the one with the new orleans cuisine and the last one.</p>

<p>i put the cuisine of new orlean, cause the last part of the other tempting answer (d i think), was awkward.</p>

<p>i put that too.. cus wasn't that phrase consistent with the part before it?</p>

<p>it was all pretty easy. only bad thing was that my essay had a 1-sentence conclusion (and it wasn't even a good sentence haha). intro/body was pretty strong though.</p>

<p>its better to have at least a 1-sentence conclusion than nothing at all, right?</p>

<p>what was the answer to new orleans one?</p>

<p>Did any of you put down choice E several times in a row? I think three in a row once! Towards the beginning...</p>


<p>the other choice for new oleans was "....also have become"</p>

<p>I thought "have also become" sounded better, so i iddn't pick it</p>

<p>same. It's best to go with the shorter choice</p>

<p>did you guys have alot of c's? that's all i could remember</p>

<p>did anybody put 4 D's in a row during the long MC section</p>

<p>I had a LOT of C's, and also remember putting 4 D's in a row during the long MC section</p>

<p>Do any of you guys remember specific questions?</p>

<p>Empire State Building/Sears Tower/ Toronto National Tower question, something like:</p>

<p>The Empire State Building, Sear Tower, and Toronto National Tower--each of them was the tallest building at the time they were built.</p>

<p>I picked "was," only because everythin else seemed right and I thought it should be "had been."</p>

<p>"they" is where the answer lies. The sentence should read: each of them was the tallest building at the time it was built.</p>

<p>wcernrider is correct; 'each' should be matched by 'it'</p>

<p>...than did those prepared by xxx indians...is also correct</p>

<p>guys. regurgitate every info. before it's all gone</p>

<p>The EMpire State building/Sear tower one I put "they were built" as an error because the sentence emphasizes the individuality of each building. Each one was built at a different time period, and right after each one was built, that one was the tallest for the time being.</p>

<p>shouldnt it be something like... at the time each was built?</p>

<p>Writing questions are so hard to remember!!! I remember "Although unrealistic", since then has lived (since takes past perfect), and "The portrait shows a boy taking a banjo lesson from his grandfather" for the "which sentence most logically follows sentence (7).</p>

<p>What was the essay may I ask?</p>

<p>Yeah, what Agrophobic said.</p>