<p>the new orleans was was "cuisines" in the answer.</p>
<p>What was the one with air pollutoin and smog in cities!</p>
<p>the new orleans was was "cuisines" in the answer.</p>
<p>What was the one with air pollutoin and smog in cities!</p>
<p>Um the essay was about success. success=luck or hard work, hmmm?</p>
<p>The one with air pollution was no error.</p>
<p>what did some of you guys use for your examples?</p>
<p>does anybody remember a question where it had an answer choice of "adversely"</p>
<p>The adversely questioned related to pollutants and the Mississippi River. The answer was "affected." That was in the past tense, while the the beginning part of the sentence was present tense.</p>
<p>6570882, xeal, Reykjavic, alwaysfaithful, rhs06, and Flipsta_G have all affirmed that the answer to the air pollutants question is "No Error." Do you remember the entire question?</p>
<p>the air pollutants, concentrated in cities, smog... that's all i can remember...</p>
<p>i got 4 no errors for the writing</p>
<p>for the essay.... all they give a **** about is that you use the 2 pages.... u can write a brilliant 1 page essay and will get a 4 90% of the time (these idiots have these dumb grading rubrics) .... if u write a 2 page essay im 100% positive u will get a 5 or 6.... i know over 20 ppl who used all 2 pages none of them particulary great at writing, and most got 6's</p>
<p>I supported the stance that success was accomplished through hard work. To qualify, I said that although luck can bring success, the mark of a succesful person is not the immediate ascension, but the long-term success (i.e., the keeping of that success and formation of a legacy). For my examples, I mostly just supported that success was through hard work, using Napoleon Bonaparte and Albert Einstein. I said that Napoleon had to work his way through the military ranks of France and only because of his own personal ambition and brevity was he able to ascend to emperor. For Albert Einstein, I basically said that luck doesn't create the special theory of relativity, then revise it into the general theory of relativity.</p>
<p>The New Orleans one had to have the 'cuisines' first because it was referring back to the cuisine, and if New Orleans was first it would be incongruous. There were two answer choices with cuisins (D&E?), and one of them was just dumb, so it was the other one.</p>
<p>I also got 4 no errors for the IDs. The Mississippi q was one of them. Pollutants was another. Greek Myth was another...What was the last one?</p>
<p>what was the whole greek myth one and the mississippi one</p>
<p>The greek one was talking about how the painters and poets from the nineteenth century turned to Greek mythology for inspiration or something. There was no error.</p>
<p>I thought the pollution one needed "as visible as smog."</p>
<p>dont think so</p>
<p>is it just me, or did everyone else find the last 6 questions hard???</p>
<p>34-39 especially the last 3 on that passage.</p>
<p>I found those questions very challenging, but I still think I pulled off an 800 for writing (not that it matters).</p>
<p>for 750 writing, can you get 9 essay and miss 2?</p>