Odd question-Piano availability?

<p>My son will be in Riverside East. In looking at some old photos it looked as if there were a piano in the lobby. Does anyone know if it is still there? He plays piano and I am hoping that he will continue to do so. Are there piano rooms available somewhere on campus for students that aren’t music majors? Thanks!</p>

<p>There’s a black baby grand piano in the corner of the dorm across from RCS - not sure of the dorm name. I also saw a few other pianos when we were at BB but I don’t remember where.</p>


<p>where i went to school they had pianos in the student center.</p>

<p>It might be Blount. I still don’t have my head fully around the campus geography yet. When you are walking down the sidewalk towards the entrance of RCS from the parking lot in front, the piano is in the corner of the building to your right behind some tall glass windows.</p>

<p>Yes, it’s in Blount. :)</p>

<p>D thinks she remembers seeing one in the Riverside community center. She lived in Riverside East.</p>

<p>There is one in the Riverside community center but he will have to arm wrestle my son for it. :)</p>

<p>Nice to know. DS was asking for a keyboard because he wants to learn to play. Haven’t gotten one since he’s gone most of summer. But maybe he can meet up with your two sons for lessons since he’s in RWest.</p>

<p>I just got back from the tour and was quite impressed to hear there are 52 piano practice rooms at Moody (not sure if that is the name of the building but it is on the same side of the road as the stadium). Great tour and trip!</p>

<p>52 practice rooms-wow! RTR, looks like there will be enough pianos for both of them-now they’ll just need to find time. :)<br>
Socal- hope the boys do indeed meet someday. Connor would gladly help out with the piano. He is hoping to meet people that play the guitar too. He just got a new acoustic with graduation money and is loving it! I’m hoping that the music continues to be a part of his life.</p>

<p>New question-what is the Riverside Community Center? I have been to UA twice and don’t remember seeing it.</p>

<p>Daughter just left for work so I can’t ask her, but I believe it is a separate building between Riverside East and West.</p>

<p>BamaMomof3 is correct, the building is between Riverside E & W and has a few different “activity” rooms. I remember it’s where AA kids signed in and met on Move-In Sunday a couple of years ago.</p>

<p>Sounds like a great Christmas present to me.
Our son asked for a keyboard for graduation, it was the only thing he was concerned about having for his dorm. Also purchase a good set of headphones for it. That way he can play at any time day or night. There are several options available different prices and quality. Full size keyboards, can add pedals, record, voices, etc. depending on his intrest and funds.</p>