Odds - Pamplin

<p>High School Couses Taken before HS</p>

<p>Algebra I - B+</p>

<p>Freshman Year</p>

<p>English 9 Honors - A
History Honors - A
Biology I - A
Geometry - B+
Latin I - A
Gym - A
Band - A</p>

<p>Sophomore Year</p>

<p>English 10 Honors - B+
History Honors - A
Earth Science - A
Algebra II - B
Latin II - B
Gym - A
Graphics Img. Tech. I - A</p>

<p>Junior Year (projected grades)</p>

<p>English 11 Honors - A
AP US History - A
Chemistry - A
Trig - B
Pre-cal II - B+
Latin III - B
Graphics Img. Tech. II - A</p>

<p>Senior Year (projected schedule)</p>

<p>AP American Lit.
AP Government
Physics Honors
AP Calculus AB
AP Latin V
AP Computer Science A
AP Environmental Science</p>

<p>Also let me mention that the trig course and pre cal course listed in junior year are each a semester course so they don't factor in to my GPA as much. Also under junior year the Graphics Img. Tech II class is worth 2 credits so it counts as 2 A's on my GPA. Estimated weighted GPA after junior year:
3.85 - 3.90.</p>

<p>My SAT scores: a 730 on my reading, 650 on my math, and 620 on my writing. I am on the varsity ice hockey team, do community service, can list a lot of awards, and have just a few clubs. I am in-state. I am also a minority (Asian - Indian Subcontinent).</p>

<p>So, what are my chances?</p>

<p>Also, I am first generation and my parents make like 20-30K per year. I don't know if that helps or not...</p>

<p>One more thing I have a lack of business oriented classes on my transcript, is that a significant issue for Pamplin?</p>

<p>no, your definitely in. u should probably consider uva (yea it hurts to say it) since they have some financial package thing that makes every student who has 40k below salary's tuition free. indians aren't a minority in most top 25-50 schools</p>

<p>VA Tech is my top choice over UVA. However I will apply to VA Tech, UVA, and a slew of other schools and where I attend will come down to where I am admitted and what financial aid offers I receive. VA Tech is my top choice though and long as I get into Tech I will be extremely happy. :)</p>

<p>Also I have been worried about my odds at Tech ever since one of my friends, who is a senior, got rejected. He had a 3.90 GPA and a course load similar to mine. However, he only had a 550 verbal and 490 math on his SATs. </p>

<p>I had another friend who had a 3.40 GPA but all of his SAT section scores were over 600 and he got in. So I'm guessing that VA Tech puts heavy emphasis on SAT scores? Should I try improving my scores for Tech or are they fine? I plan on taking it once more senior year to try and break 700 on the math section.</p>

<p>crichessill, indians are considered minorities, but not underrepresented minorities. Big difference.</p>

<p>Shazilla, UVA's business school is far, far superior to VT's, in case you weren't aware of that...but it looks like you're be borderline for UVA and probably an honors student at VT.</p>

<p>Yea, I know UVA is ranked a lot higher but unlike a lot of people on CC I don't base my decision solely on rankings. I think I'd be much happier at Tech than at UVA.</p>

<p>Well, it's not just a rankings thing - if you're majoring in business, you're majoring in a vocational area that prepares you for a job. UVA's recruiting is substantially better than VT's. It's not even close.</p>

<p>But if you think you'd be happier and more successful at VT, then by all means, go there. I completely understand that rankings and recruitment aren't everything - that's it's the student, not the school. If you finish at the top of your class at VT, you'll do fine.</p>

<p>hey cav, i had a question for you by the way, i read that your an econ major. if an econ major doesn't get into uva business school, what are his options? what about accounting and finance in general. what are the general options one has after 2 years?</p>

<p>I'm an economics major going into my second year with no plans to apply to the business school. Econ majors who don't get into the business school generally have a huge range of options, from law school to medical school to graduate school in economics or even other fields. A recent article by the Cavalier Daily quoted the average starting salary for economics as being about the same as that of finance majors. It's pretty decent. In fact, you really don't need to be coming out of the business school to get a job with a major consulting firm or a bulge bracket ibanking firm (which is what all the mcintire people shoot for anyway). More and more around here is seems like there is a bonanza for job applicants come interview time. I know of more than a few liberal arts majors who are going off to jobs with firms like Bain, BCG, McKinsey, Lehman Bros, Blackstone and GS. I'm not a huge fan of the business school, but it does seem to do well in bringing lots of good recruiters to UVA. Accounting and finance are both very solid majors if that's what you're interested in. None of them have any trouble whatsoever finding jobs.</p>

<p>well what happens to hopeful accounting majors who dont get to business school</p>

<p>No clue. I've heard of people who were accepted into McIntire after an additional year in the college...meaning they graduated from UVA after 5 years. If that's what you want to do, i guess it's worth it (that is, if you didn't get into McIntire in the first place). Personally, I think a rejection from the comm school would be god's way of telling you to pursue more fulfilling options, but that's just me...lol.</p>