Off Campus Housing

<p>I was recently admitted as a transfer student. I'm looking for off campus housing. Which apartment is the best in regards to amenities and closeness to campus?</p>

<p>I’m also looking for housing since i doubt i will make it on campus. Surfwakesnow, from my research it all depends on how much you are willing to spend… the closest apartments seem to be the view 1 & 2, the var$ity, knox box, college park towers, and university club.</p>

<p>these can range from 460 to 875 (depending on sharing a room)</p>

<p>check out [Off</a> Campus Housing 101 | Student Housing Solutions for Colleges & Universities](<a href=“Off-Campus Housing 101 | Off-Campus Housing 101 -”></p>

<p>The View is considered the nicest, but it’s also considered to be for the rich kids seeing as rent can go over a thousand a month.</p>

<p>ginab, what have you heard about university club apartments?</p>