"Offer of Admissions is contingent upon continued academci success"

<p>I got accepted to University of Scranton with a 11 k scholarship but got really scared when radi that its contingent upon my academic success. I am a B student if i get a c or two will they revoke my admissions. Has anybody gone through this before please help me?? what does this mean??</p>

<p>I believe they mean, "Now that you're in, it doesn't mean you can screw off for the rest of your senior year." I think they reserve the right to rescind your admissions offer if your year-end grade report reveals that your grades have dropped drastically.</p>

<p>a C is fine...they don't want to see Ds or Fs...but why take the risk?</p>

<p>so many posters last year totally stressed out because of slipping grades...and that stress made for a bad last few months of college</p>

<p>It depends on the college and the number of Cs. I heard UCLA did revoke students last year for a few Cs.</p>