OFFICIAL 2014 African American Results Thread

<p>Phew! [/bites nails and waits for April 1 to arrive]</p>

<p>LOL! Same here! Same here!</p>

<p>I have a computer countdown going now. I’m so nervous…</p>

<p>You can get a computer countdown?! Whoa…never knew that lol</p>

<p>Yup. And it’s free too. According to the countdown it is 17 days, 21 hours, 33 minutes and 41 seconds until Thursday, April 1, 2010. (5:00 p.m.) - U.S. Central Time</p>

<p>17 Days…O_O…17 days…</p>

<p>^^^hey for those of you that got into cornell, are you gonna tell people in your school tomorrow? i think i’m only gonna tell my closest friends and guidance counselor because 4 more people in my grade applied who are actually my friends ,and i don’t want them to feel bad (even though they would probably internally say that i only got in because i’m black lol), but containing my joy for the next couple of weeks is gonna be so hard!</p>

<p>Shout it aloud in the hallways. Or tell your guidance counselor and have him/her do it for you. That’s what mine did. :D</p>

<p>NOPE lol 2 people in my 1st hour applied. 1 of them was deferred at Penn ED and loves Penn. The other one didn’t know he had to send in SAT2 scores and feels he probably won’t get accepted. They both applied to rolling admissions schools at Cornell. So yeah. Their FB hasn’t changed so I don’t think they got accepted [yet].</p>

<p>i didn’t take any sat subject tests. And I got an e-mail about an incomplete application. Yet somehow I sitll got in. Weird…</p>

<p>To the great disappointment of my mother (Cornell Class of 76), I did not apply to Cornell.</p>

<p>My mom didn’t go to college. I don’t even think she has a high school diploma. CUNY’s and Cornell are all the same to her. She just wants me to go to college so that I won’t have to go through what she is going through now.</p>

<p>^^^^ Same same same! My parents do not understand the magnitude of the events that have just transpired. sigh And my mom only got up to eighth grade so I know exactly how you feel HBrown.</p>

<p>^Same here. Although I have a LL for Columbia and showed my parents some of the threads explaining what it means, they still don’t believe I’m really going to be accepted. Pops wants me to go to a CUNY, or better yet, St. Johns–he thinks St. Johns is on par with the prestige of Columbia! [/cries]</p>

<p>My parents both went back to college after they came to America, but sometimes it doesn’t show. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Lol, just noticed tha maggie and the ferocious beast location. haha good show. hamilton’s funny</p>

<p>^Nedley the Rabbit = the best (EVUR) and my prospective husband. Speaking in rhyme is just so awesome. :D</p>

<p>You guys although I was accepted to Cornell I am really concerned about the suicides that have been going on. Three suicides in less than a month. OMG! They say that it is because of the course load however I want to have fun and be happy when I go to college. I don’t want to be so overwhelmed that I feel like I want to commit suicide. This concerns me a lot. Getting accepted to Cornell doesn’t seem like such a great thing anymore. What do you guys think?</p>

<p>hahaa when you get something (like being accepted to cornell), its never as gratifying when many other people have it too. I feel like my being accepted to so many schools isn’t as pleasing as I’d always imagined, because it appears that SOO many people are getting in as well, who maybe didn’t get as high gpa/scores as me, not that theyre any worse than me or anything. Its like im happy for a second…and then i realize its not that big of an accolade :confused: I guess i just dont want to be the “best”, but the “only”. </p>

<p>hopefully me being accepted has nothing to do with my race; i strongly beleive i would have been a good candidate with or without being black, especially considering my aps, sats, acts, etcs. but i hate feeling categorized with people who maybe did ride the “diversity” wave.</p>

<p>@HBrown same here, my parents did not go to college. Not even elementary school.
Plus, I did not tell my parents about MIT.</p>

<p>@starlight* I was reading MIT forum today and was ****ed off. So many people are complaining about affirmative action.</p>