OFFICIAL 2014 African American Results Thread

<p>@starlight - Would you mind sharing which merit scholarship you got from Duke? Thanks, and congrats with all your acceptances. I hope you have more coming your way on the 1st.</p>

<p>I got into UChicago. I got no money. [/tear] So there goes another dream school. :mad:
Ahem. But the results are:</p>

Hampton (full)
Howard (full)
Macaulay Honors @ Hunter CUNY (where I’ll most likely attend)–>full tuition, room, board, laptop (macbook! yay, so happy:)), $7500 travel stipend
American ($29000; currently negotiating for more money b/c of my NAS status)
St. Johns (full ride)–>not even on the short list b/c Scalia attended. >.<</p>

<p>Accepted to:

<p>But I have a question, how do you know about Penn and Columbia decisions so early?</p>



<p>Likely letter (an unofficial early acceptance).</p>

<p>You guys rock!!!
Harambee, so excited for our turn… (stomach rumbling to represent these guys and follow in the footsteps of such awesomenesss!!!)</p>

<p>It’s going to be a tough act to follow…that’s for sure. It seems like everyone on this thread has already gotten accepted somewhere good and it’s not even April yet.</p>

<p><em>gulp</em> 11 days</p>

<p>AA’s AA’s rah rah rah! AA’s AA’s You guys rock! Gooooooo Black People! Ok i’m on spring break and i’m bored and feeling like being encouraging. lol please excuse the corniness (couldn’t really find anything cool that rhymes with ‘rah’).</p>

<p>"AHHHH STOPPPPP. This is not the place for this discussion.
This is supposed to be a results thread and now it has been hijacked.
Start another thread before things get out of hand. "</p>

<p>I think some people missed this and the entire first post.</p>

<p>3.4 GPA
29 ACT 12 writing
Captain of three separate activities
volunteer extensively for fight against breast cancer and religious aide. as well as media personnel/ anchor for a city of 80,000</p>

<p>Accepted to:
Carleton college (near full ride) <– top choice school, the rest don’t matter.
Gustavus Adolphus
St.John’s University
University of MN.</p>

<p>Congrats! 10char</p>

<p>ok so is anyone else starting to feel burnt out at the moment? we’re coming towards the end of the third quarter in my school now and i’m not sure if i even have the capacity to keep learning lol i can’t take it. for some reason my teachers have been giving ridiculous amounts of hw lately and i’m losing the motivation to even do it anymore lol. i really don’t wanna let my grades slip but im sooo tired lately, what to do?</p>

<p>I know what you mean. I have been feeling a bit of fatigue as well. The best advice I can give is to just push through it.</p>

<p>Congratulations Forskaken! I see you’re from MN and applied to many MN schools. Did you apply to Macalester? Any thoughts about Macalester?</p>

<p>I did not apply to Macalester, although I have to praise the level of academia that Macalester offers, it was a bit TOO liberal for me, and I lean left politically. I found that Carleton offered a healthier balance of personalities and was stronger in the biological sciences, whereas Macalester is like a political prep school. :smiley:
The campus is rather nice at Macalester, and it was the next one out on my list, but I decided against it, as I wanted Carleton to be my reach/ dream school.</p>

<p>Do you guys think that after, say, April 1 when pretty much everyone has their decisions, we should start a thread that’s just straight decisions posted with stats? All of the conversation in here will make it pretty frustrating to use for future applicants.</p>

<p>^I’m in complete agreement with Millincad. But then again, perhaps the conversation will provide next year’s stressed seniors with some well-needed amusement.</p>

<p>Yes we can Millancad. I agree. I sort of wasn’t helping with making this thread strictly decision based. sorry.</p>

<p>Oh wow I’m sorry, I didn’t realize i posted about my fatigue in this thread, I actually meant to do it in the other thread lol my bad guys…</p>

<p>@Millincad: That sounds like a good idea.</p>