OFFICIAL 2014 African American Results Thread

<p>agreed. </p>

<p>accepted: chicago</p>

<p>accepted Villanova.</p>

<p>Since this thread isn’t an official results thread, I guess I’ll say CONGRATULATIONS!!! to justadream92 and thefranchize9 here. </p>

Ah. There. Now back to my term paper.</p>

<p>yay accepted to medill @ Northwestern</p>


<p>Congratulations Everybody!!!</p>

<p>thanks mucho</p>

<p>OMG I WAS ACCEPTED INTO STANFORD ! i was sitting there playing a game on my blackberry and all i see is my phone light up, indicating that i got an email . all i see is stanford university and im like ahhh shooot im about to get rejected and as soon i see congratulations i dropped the phone and DIED ! ONCE AGAIN GOD IS SOO GOOD AND HAS PROVED IT TO ME OVER AND OVER AGAIN! ='] my dreamm school</p>

<p>I am so happy for you Justadream92…Congrats!!!</p>

<p>I GOT INTO AMHERST AND WESLEYAN!!! GOD IS GOOOOOOD as justadream92 has said so perfectly. </p>

<p>So Far: Rutgers, Lehigh, Cornell, Swarthmore, Amherst, Wesleyan, and Vassar. Good luck everyone else! You guys can do it!</p>

<p>God definitely is good! So far I’m 5 of 5: Cornell, Boston College, Boston U., The College of New Jersey, and Syracuse. I just have Carnegie Mellon to go. </p>

<p>Congrats to everyone on their successes!!</p>

<p>wow, it feels so good to read about people definitely giving the credit where its due. God really is good. yesterday i went to check the mail and a huge envelope from colgate was there. once i opened it and read the acceptance letter i got really emotional (and colgate isn’t even one of my top schools lol). ummm, idk how to best explain it, i don’t really think i can articulate it as well as i would like but i immediately started crying, not out of sadness but happiness because how incredible and amazing God is seemed to really hit me at the moment, so much that i just had to take a moment to praise and worship him. idk, i’ve been through a lot of crap this year between the whole application process and issues at home with my family, but even amidst it all of that mess I can proudly say that God has been there for me, has shown mercy, and has blessed me so much. i applied to like 17 schools and so far i’ve gotten 13 acceptances, 1 deferral (Penn), and no rejections. even if i get rejected from princeton brown yale and penn next week i know i can’t complain but rather must continue to stay humble, i can’t deny how much God has blessed me. but whatever now i’m rambling, anyways congrats to everyone! i really am sooooo happy and proud for all of us! all of our hard work is starting to pay off!</p>

<p>p.s-sorry if i may have gotten all “preachy” here, i don’t mean to offend anyone with that…</p>

<p>CONGRATS FRANCHIZE & MISS92LADY ! i’m soo soo happy for you ! =D amazing … simply amazing</p>

<p>bellanaija, i whole-heartedly felt every word and i completely agree with you. i was definitely not expecting stanford’s decision to come out yesterday and via email of all ways … it was just an epic moment. my grandpa and mother happened to be right there and we just sat there rocking back and forth, tears tears tears !; they kept saying “you made it” … 13 years of hard work and struggle resulted in that one moment that will last in my heart for all of eternity. God has truly answered my prayers and i’m on my way to fulfilling my dream. i’m starting to tear up again as i’m typing this lol guys have emotions too ='] .</p>

<p>the class of 2010 is exceptional in every way possible . i love you all !</p>

<p>^^AMEN! I know exactly what you mean bellanija. Although my tear ducts have dried I know how it feels to know that he looking after us and that he has our backs. It’s truly reassuring. Congrats!</p>

<p>^^ and justadream, ur freaking awesome. It’d b cool to meet you man. I might fly over to Cali just to see what’s up…ok sorry, i’m rambling. back to decisions. lol</p>

<p>amherst, bowdoin, chapel hill!</p>

<p>Congratulations to all of you!! HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY!</p>

<p>upitt…chapel hill…oberlin and bowdoin</p>



<p>Congratulations to all my fellow Black People!!! I’m so proud!!!</p>

<p>I lol’d at MorganSimone’s post. </p>

<p>But congrats, guys. I say we have a reunion for all the people on this thread on CC in say, 10 years? ;)</p>

<p>p.s. Is it just me, or do we have a lot of Water Works Willies (or Sleepy LaBones lol) here?</p>