OFFICIAL 2014 African American Results Thread

<p>I’m super pumped for my decisions. I know Brown and Yale I’ll be able to check myself. And then I’ll get an e-mail from Harvard. It’s basically the last chance for gas. Evne if I don’t get in, my college decision will be that much easier.</p>

<p>^Agreed. I’d just like HYP to reject me already so that I can accept Hunter. But it’s like there’s something stopping my index finger from clicking the “Yes” button to accept Macaulay’s offer. <em>sigh</em> Ah, the travails of youth!</p>

<p>Very impressive, you guys!! I see some overlap/ possible-future-classmates on this thread!</p>

<p>Accepted: UGA- Honors, BC, Georgetown-SFS, Cornell, UVA-Echols Schl
Waiting: Harvard, Princeton</p>

<p>I agree. The agony and anxiety of waiting can be daunting at times. Then, comes the agony of deciding. Georgetown made it easier on me today-- with their horrible financial aid package. Hopefully, other schools will pull through lol.</p>

<p>can you guys post your stats? lol
especially those accepted into georgetown sfs</p>

<p>^There’s a thread on the Georgetown forum with stats. And we’ll be starting an official official results thread after April 1. :)</p>

<p>i haven’t been on CollegeConfidential for awhile because it made me anxious. i just started again this week lol.</p>

<p>so far ive gotten into amherst college, WashU, and Duke…waiting on a few ivies</p>

<p>Is there anyone thats not looking forward to April 1? To be honest I am not…so far I have been accepted into Cornel, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, Notre Dame, BC, Wisconsin, and several other safety schools, but when April 1 comes around I will hear from Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. I am bracing myself for 3 rejections and not looking forward to it, but I must be thankful that I got into the schools I did. I am bracing for the Rejections from the BIG 3.</p>

<p>^ Who in their right mind would look forward to getting rejected?? :)</p>

<p>And by the way, that’s not a shabby record you have there. Honestly, I’m expecting 3 rejections. If they offer me spots on the waitlist, I don’t see myself taking one; I have some other decent offers. Of course I’d like to go to one of the big 3, but if I don’t, it’s no sweat. Don’t stress over it. It’ll be over in a few days. And you have some pretty awesome offers too. :D</p>

<p>@ksarmand: you always know the right things to say =D 'preciate the advice! yeah; i think i’m just going to go to stanford for undergrad and georgetown for grad. i’m still going to visit both this month though.</p>

<p>@just4mywubbies and Seeme25: Congrats guys ! 2 more dayss !</p>

<p>@jamaica: don’t stress it! look for things to do to keep your mind off of it for the time being. you’ve already gotten into some great schools, so i wouldn’t worry too much</p>

<p>@ksarmand…I got into Baruch Macaulay but I dont think I am going to accept. Money is a big thing for me the experience is a big thing for me as well. I live in Brooklyn and if I go to Macaulay I will live at home and I wont really have that “going away college experience.” I don’t know. The thing I am most looking forward to is going away. Its a toss up for me.</p>

<p>@jamaica and @just4mywubbies: Congratulations =) If you don’t mind me asking, what are your stats like?</p>

<p>I don’t mean to intrude but why don’t we wait until after April 1st for our real results thread?</p>

<p>Okay, no problem =).</p>

<p>Hey guys :frowning: I’ve been ignoring cc for awhile because this place just makes me more anxious! But I figure, hey, I can’t get any more scared for tomorrow so why not!</p>

<p>Congrats on the acceptances that people have gotten so far! You guys make me feel so proud and I don’t even know you personally! XD I got into 6 schools (SUNY Binghamton, SUNY Stony Brook, Trinity College, Smith, Skidmore and Colgate), waitlisted to Marist (but that’s okay), and rejected to Stanford (bah), and Wesleyan (noo… :().</p>

<p>I’m really hoping Brown and/or Dartmouth pulls through tomorrow!</p>

<p>^Hey, congrats on those acceptances. SUNY Stony Brook is still a pretty nice school. </p>

<p>It’s almost APRIL 1!!! :)</p>

<p>congrats kalamari !!
accepted: Johns Hopkins & Tufts</p>

<p>9 for 9 ! waiting on princeton and brown tomorrow!</p>

<p>^No Harvard, justadream92? You didn’t apply?</p>

<p>It’s here in 20 hours. Who’s ready?</p>


<p>Accepted: Johns Hopkins, Duke, Emory, Amherst, Vassar, Williams
Waitlisted: Washington University in St. Louis (SMD)
Rejected: None</p>

<p>Waiting on Brown & Yale</p>

<p>congrats shyman!!! </p>

<p>nope, no harvard … i just wasn’t feeling it when i visited. it wouldve been a waste of time and money for me to apply and honestly, i don’t even know why i applied to princeton… probably because the application was free for me through QuestBridge? i don’t know. princeton and harvard had a vibe that i just wasn’t attracted to; mainly the social atmosphere at both schools turned me off.</p>