OFFICIAL 2014 African American Results Thread

<p>It’s exactly because my father was paying that I only applied to 10 schools. And even with those 10, I ended up copying and pasting essays too. You’re not the only guilty one. :cool:</p>

<p>Oh yea, I wrote about 4 different essays, and then I just tweeked them a bit for all of my schools lol.</p>

<p>I wrote different essays for all mines…I’m nervous lol</p>

<p>^^ Me too…I wrote pretty much different essays for all of mine too; for a few schools, I could edit some.</p>

<p>I did morph a few of my standard ones to fit some of the more unique topics. lol</p>

<p>I got into Wharton at Penn and Fordham, since I last posted!!!</p>

10 char.</p>

<p>Congrats! Good job!</p>

<p>Starlight, ur amazing. I saw ur stats!</p>

<p>also got a likely from duke</p>

<p>OMG @starlight is putting arizona on the map lol congrats!</p>

<p>I am a Columbia hopeful and I really want to know your stats, and need some advice. I’m a junior in HS</p>

<p>^Did you read the entire thread? There are a lot of stats posted earlier from people who did get into really competitive places.</p>

<p>Seriously, man. There’s stats all over the thread if you read it front to back</p>

<p>no, i didn’t, I didn’t have time. thanks X)</p>

<p>wassup everyone, i just joined cc & this is my first time posting, and i saw all the stats, so i might as well throw mine up too:
Stats: so far accepted to UF, UCF, UM, waiting on RD common app schools
SAT:M-740 CR-630 W-690 total: 2060
SAT IIs: Chemistry:680 U.S History: 690
ACT: 31
GPA: 3.8
Rank: 19/503
Ap Courses: Human Geo(3), Psychology(5), English Lang(4), Chemistry(4), Calc AB(5), U.S History(5); taking Government, English Lit, Calc BC, Macro, and Bio this year
Other stats:
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
Essays: personal & creative, especially my 217 for Penn
Teacher Recs: the best
Counselor Rec: awesome
Hook (if any): BLACK MALE
State or Country: Florida
School Type: Public
Gender: Male
major strength/weakness: strength-involvement in EC; weakness-test scores
why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered where you were: haven’t been rejected to anywhere yet
significant awards/recongitions:
summer activities: Duke Talent Search(3 yrs), Lead America Summer Scholars(1 yr), UF African American Outstanding High School Scholars
Other Factors:JV Basketball, Varsity Track 4 yrs (district qualifier), #1 Step Team in County, Best Buddies (volunteer program for those with disabilities), JSA, Speech&Debate, Marching Band 4 yrs (Percussion Section LEader and Drum Captain), National Honor Society, premed club, Relay for Life, Employed</p>

<p>Oops I posted in the wrong thread. I just found out about Cornell. So I’m really excited. I’m pretty sure I’m in DePauw, but the letter hasn’t arrived. But the guy (who I think may be my cousin) called about a flyout there, so I’m really excited. Indiana native :-)</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: Cornell University
(waiting on stanford, american, georgetown, university of chicago, princeton, johns hopkins, williams, tufts, brown and northwestern)
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: School of Industrial and Labor Relations, EOP/HEOP (waiting on financial package)</p>

SAT: 1880
SAT IIs: 740 World, 740 US, 710 Bio, 680 Math I
ACT: not taken
GPA: 4.0 uw, 4.7 w
Rank: salutatorian
Ap Courses: Bio-5, World-4, US-4, Enviro Sci (independent study)-4, English Lang-3…to be taken: Micro, Gov & Poli, English Lit and Physics B</p>

<p>Other stats:
Essays: excellent; spent A LOT of time, energy and thought on them
Teacher Recs: i waived my rights, but i’m imagining that they were awesome
Counselor Rec: counselor doesn’t really know me, since she just became my GC in september. but since I got this far, i’m guessing that it was pretty nice =D
Hook (if any): um yeah, we’re all URM! … and i’m very low income; single parent in a single-bedroom apartment, father in jail, first one in family to go to a four-year college and i have to work to help out my mom with supporting my 3 younger siblings. discussed in my personal statement .</p>

State or Country: New York
School Type: public
Gender: male
major strength/weakness: for strengths, i’m guessing my ECs, courseload, essays and GPA…probably recs also . my major weakness, apparently, is my SAT I score.
why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered where you were: i think i was accepted because i showed that i’m a hard worker, regardless of the adversity that i’ve been through. i think i proved that i can handle what cornell has to offer me and i conveyed that i sincerely embrace challenges and that i love learning, just to learn =).
significant awards/recongitions: questbridge national college match/prep finalist, national geographic student expeditions scholarship winner, people to people student ambassadors scholarship finalist, AP scholar with distinction, ron brown finalist, “The Challenge” contestant (televised academic decathalon in the NY tri-state area) and a plethora of local and community based awards
summer activities: in 2007, i went to Europe as a student ambassador for 3 weeks; in 2008, i headed and supervised a summer tutorial for reading and math for elementary school children; and in 2009, i won a full scholarship to go to tanzania with national geographic student expeditions where i performed 50 hours of community service teaching AIDS orphans english and inserting a new water pipe in the agricultural village of maji ya chai. i also worked with reknown environmentalist, anna estes, in determining the problems of the maasai people and pochers and their impacts in the savannah. </p>

<p>Other Factors: KEEPING GOD FIRST IN EVERYTHING! if it wasnt for the grace of god, none of this wouldve been possible. he has blessed me so much because i couldve been in a very different place than i am today… i’ve been exposed to so much hardship and negativity that it wouldve been inevitable for me to end up as another corner boy in my poverty-stricken neighborhood. to graduating seniors of the future, dont doubt yourselves. anything is possible with god on your side!</p>

<p>@justadream92, I think you are an amazing person. The SAT scores are nothing compared to the other challenges you came through!</p>

<p>Best wish for your father!</p>

<p>@Inconclusive: Wow thank you! I really appreciate that =D</p>