OFFICIAL 2014 African American Results Thread

<p>Justadream92, you pwn everybody on this thread. <em>bows</em></p>

<p>Justadream92 I understand your struggle. I am in a similar situation. It gets easier…especially when you think of the bright future ahead of you.</p>

<p>So far, I’m accepted at Cornell University, Vanderbilt University (Full Scholarship), Wellsley, Boston College, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Purdue University, Marquette, and Fordham. Awaiting decisions from 13 more schools (all Ivy leagues, MIT, Stanford, Northwestern)</p>

<p>[ b]Stats:[ /b][ list]
[ *] SAT: Did not take
[ *] SAT IIs: Biology 700, Math 650, literature 630
[ *] ACT: 29
[ *] GPA: 5.42
[ *] Rank:top 8%
[ *] Ap Courses:biology, statistics, math, english, physics, chemistry, bio-chemistry, human anatomy, spanish, japanese, masters singers, and music theory
[ *] Other stats:</p>

<p>[ /list][ b]Subjective:</p>

<p>[ *] Essays: Really Good
[ *] Teacher Recs: Excellent
[ *] Counselor Rec: Excellen
[ /list][ b]Location/Person:
[ *] State or Country: Wisconsin
[ *] School Type: Public
[ *] Gender: Female
[ *] major strength/weakness: My test scores wasn’t the best
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered where you were: I am the president of two honor societies, involved in several school organizations, many extracurricular activities and volunteers in the community.
[ *] significant awards/recongitions: I honestly couldn’t post them all
[ *] summer activities: Brown University summer school, music camps, student council, I can go on. I dont have a life, lol.
[ /list][ b]Other Factors: High ACT/SAT scores are not everything. A good high school transcript with many challenging courses (AP/Honors/IB.etc), class rank, a really good CREATIVE essay, and great letters of recommendations (Pick teachers that likes you, its really important) can mean more to your admissions than your ACT/SAT scores.</p>

<p>^Congrats! I hope you’ll be hearing good news around April</p>


So true.</p>

<p>@justadream92- My dad’s in jail as well. I hope it all works for you.</p>

This is one of the biggest problems in the black community :frowning:
You should be proud of your self, because I know how it feels.
My father spent six years of his life in jail. He is no longer in jail though.
I wish the best for both of you. You get to be strong and be the father-figure for your siblings.</p>

<p>@justadream92 - thank you for giving God all the glory!</p>

<p>@justadream Congrats!!! May all your dreams come true</p>

<p>@Inconclusive- Aww I’m sorry. Well, it’s good that he’s out now. My dad just went in. I’m an only child. I’m the 7th child, but my siblings were all miscarriages except a brother who only lived for a few minutes.</p>

<p>@jamaica:…BLACK GIRLS FROM WI STAND UPPPPPP lol. thats really scary…especially if ur jamaican too!</p>

<p>Still no one from Illinois? That’s disappointing</p>

<p>@Jayjay90…are you Jamaican? I’m a Jamerican… Lol…my dad is jamaican but I was born here.</p>

<p>Its good to see Black kids, posting great stats and being selected into top universities…God is a good God…many of us wasn’t born with gold spoons in our mouth, but we pushed and kept pushing, and hopefully we can all make something significant of our lifes…We are so blessed…many Black kids never had the parents some of us have and was never given a chance in life. I hate to say it, but it seemed as though many of us are born destined to fail. I am so happy to see African American youths posting stats and getting into good schools, it just makes me want to cry.</p>

<p>^Amen to that. If God hadn’t given me the parents I have, quirks and all, I shudder to think at how I, or my family, would have turned out; we’d still be in Haiti if it weren’t for my dad’s perseverance, and his family house–the one I would have been living in if I had stayed–collapsed and killed all who were inside. </p>

<p>God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.</p>

<p>“God is a good God” = One statement I’ll never, ever disagree with.</p>

<p>Thank you to everyone for the encouragement and good wishes. My father being absentee has just made me a stronger and more motivated student, brother and son. To Beautifulnerd and Inconclusive, lets always remember to own our hard situations instead of them owning us. </p>

<p>And to everyone in this thread, ALWAYS use adversity as a source of energy to fuel your way to the top; and we’re all destined for adversity within the next 4 to 10 years of our lives. As young African American scholars, it’s our duty to be examples for those that come after us in order for us to do our part in putting an end to the deterioration of our communities across this country. Achievement may be first on our agendas, but remember that achievement is worthless if no one else besides ourselves are benefiting from our actions. </p>

<p>Always have a plan that’s beneficial for the general advancement of our race and our country; never be selfish. And God will take care of the rest.</p>

<p>You guys are all right. God is a good God. I seriously never thought I, of all people, could get into a top school. But adversity is what motivates me. If anything, I’m not gonna say I liked struggling, but it made me the person I am today. It gave me an even deeper reason to work hard. I’m glad that I CAN’T say my parents/family paid for my admission.</p>

<p>I just got a letter from NYU. Unexpected. I don’t even care that I didn’t get into CAS. I got into LSP. God is good. At this point, my birthday is set. I’m just so blessed. AND Mo’Nique won that Oscar and didn’t have to demean her character to do it. So in my eyes, she’s the first black female and person to LEGITIMATELY get an Oscar. So so proud of her. (PS I love Denzel and Halle, but seriously they had to do some sheisty acting to get an award)</p>

<p>Well then again, Mo’Nique is the 5th black woman to win. But seriously, her win, to me, was much more meaningful than Halle’s because when I was younger, everyone said she was naked in Monster’s Ball. I never watched the film b/c I didn’t wanna see lol.</p>

<p>@jamaica…you are my clone…IM JAMERICAN TOO, MY DAD WAS BORN IN KINGSTON
0.0…this is so scary…lol</p>