Official Haverford class of 2013 accepted people!

<p>Whoa! This truly was a journey! I am extremely excited! It thought the envelope was going to be small but instead i had a big envelope with my financial aid packaged. =] To those who are accepted add as friends on Facebook. And, join the Facebook group. You can find me as RALPH ALEXIS. Can't wait to meet you guys in August!</p>

<p>Congratulations to you, Ralph!</p>

<p>I got my letter today as well and am overjoyed to be accepted!</p>

<p>Congrats! In August, let’s have a “CC Haverford '13” event. :P</p>

<p>I don’t know if I’ve told any of you my theory before, but…</p>

<p>I think Haverford is the small quaker love child of Stanford and Harvard.</p>

<p>Or at least this is how I’ve been describing the school when I’m feeling lazy…</p>

<p>Probably the first time I’ve heard “Quaker” and “love child” used in the same sentence.</p>

<p>Hey everyone,
Thought I’d say cheers! I got in ED too, and seeing how I’ll meet you guys next year, I just wanted to say congrats to everyone who got in and enjoy senior year. :smiley: I still get a goofy grin on my face when I remind myself I got into Haverford…a bit foolish perhaps. Is anyone else still really pumped about being accepted?</p>

<p>Mangobanjo, I’m guilty of the goofy smile, too. I got a Haverford sweatshirt for Christmas and I couldn’t keep a normal-sized-smile for the picture my parents took of me holding it.</p>

<p>Are you guys/gals already in the Facebook Haverford '13 group? If not, join! :)</p>

<p>Congrats, by the way!!!</p>

<p>dactylonomist, I really should get a haverford sweater, seeing how I really want one haha… I just want to run around campus a few times and buy sweaters. That’s my perfect day right there.</p>