OFFICIAL Haverford Class Of 2013 Application Thread!

<p>Hey guys. Any decided EDers out there?</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>Thinking about it... do you have any worries about the size of the school compared to the larger LACs like Oberlin, Bowdoin, Wesleyan?</p>

<p>yes, it's tiny, but it's so close to bryn mawr, swat, and then the entire city of PA (villanova, UPenn, etc) so im really not worried about getting bored of classmates</p>

<p>thought you guys might like this information.</p>

<p>Enrollment goal: 320
Number of applications: 3,319
Percentage accepted: 27</p>

<p>Number accepted from Early Decision: 108
Number accepted from Regular Decision: 782
Number accepted from Waiting List: 0</p>

<p>Percentage of students of color: 35</p>

<p>Number of states and territories represented: 35
Top five states represented: Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, California, Maryland</p>

<p>Number of countries represented: 11
Percentage of international students: 5</p>

<p>Percentage of students with one or two parents who did not attend college: 24</p>

<p>Male to female ratio: 46 percent to 54 percent
Percentage of Quaker students: 6</p>

<p>it's posted on the 2012 facebook group, here's the link:
The</a> Bi-College News Online Blog Archive Class of 2012: By the Numbers</p>

<p>good luck, and if you have any questions about applying to haverford/haverford in general, i'd love to try and answer them!</p>

<p>I'm definitely apply ED. Haverford has been my number one choice for over two years now, and the distance between Haverford and my second choice school (Amherst) only grows. In fact, I rather wish I didn't love Haverford so much so I wont be heartbroken if I don't get in.</p>

<p>i feel you emster. i went on a cc diet (cause you guys freak me out) but it seems like haverford is the anti-cc. i must admit, im not suprised at the lack of response to this thread, considering the community. i did read religiously the ed thread for haverford last year, so i hope this one can get up and running to provide each other support for the next loooong month!</p>

<p>Yeah, I just submitted my application (actually, I was so nervous I had a friend press the button for me). Its going to be a long haul till the 15th of December.</p>

<p>haha I just submitted my ED app today! and now we wait.</p>

<p>Hey guys, I applied ED, also. Funny thing about the friend clicking, I had my friend double check that I all of my materials were in my envelope because I was paranoid. Oh, also, that checklist which they gave us was cool to let us know what stuff they have. My brother said that he didn’t remember that when he applied. He applied ED. Anyone else have siblings which attend? Also, if you have any info on if that’d help my chances or not then let me know! (He’s doing really well there, and is currently the only student abroad in Russia. So that’s kinda cool.) Bonne chance!!</p>

<p>i love the online checklist thing - is thaht what youre talking about mc10? im still waiting on one teacher recommendation but i know he sent it in last minute…</p>

<p>Haha, I had the same thing. My one teacher rec wasn’t there and then it got worked out. I’m just glad I had it all done a few weeks ago. My school makes us because we have a massive grade (800+).</p>

<p>yea same here m.c., I have 930 in my class =O</p>

<p>Wow, looks like if we get in then Haverford will be delightfully small! I have a feeling I’m going to check this thread everyday, haha, this month is going to be long! Did you do an overnight/interview?</p>

<p>yea, I love Haverford’s size. My school is so big and crowded. I did an overnight and interview about 2 and a half weeks ago and it was wonderful. I already knew I was applying ED but that kind of sealed it. I saw two black squirrels while I was there, hope that’s a good sign!</p>

<p>Hahaha, I think it is. Yeah, same deal with my overnight and interview. I was there right before mid-terms unfortunately (the day before fall break), but it was still awesome. I only really started to fall in love with Haverford last year when my brother wasn’t even there. He’s been abroad in Russia since last spring. So I really think that him being there has no influence on why it’s my first choice. You have any siblings at schools to which you’re applying?</p>

<p>hehe not really. I have a lack of siblings. And I’m first generation, so I’m not obligated to pick a legacy school or anything. But it’s neat that you like Haverford even though your brother goes there.</p>

<p>Well first generation helps! Haverford brags about that! Half price appetizers at 9 now. We can take a break from college discussion. Haha, I’ll pick it up with my two Ivy bound friends, great?</p>

<p>well I would just like to say good luck to all ED applicants! Let’s hope we can all be a part of the class of '13 let in on 12/15!</p>

<p>appetizers what? and i always thought my graduating class was big (~450) but you two take the cake</p>