how would the author of passage one respond to first sentence of passage 2? (the one about authentic music)
What about this writing question about petals changing colors? Went something like:
Some subspecies of hydrangeas are like litmus paper * from pink to blue in high acidity.
I couldn’t decide between these two, and i’m pretty sure the others were wrong.
*The color of their petals changes
*their petals change color
Did anyone say ridicule… for the mars question?
hmmm…i thought it was changing from …
for the one about rabbits and the parasite
i said absurd
@ENoError it had to be a dependent clause. couldn’t be an independent claus (stand on its own as a sentence) so i actually got “their petals CHANGING colors” which couldn’t stand alone as a complete sentence
@ABCGIRL something along the lines of “If he truly wants to be authentic he can never achieve that goal” or something like that
oh…darn it i missed it then… thanks @TheDesiBoy
@texas1418 I concur on the petals question
did anyone put the answer with the word pragmatic for one of the answers for the passage about authentic music?
Question and choices?
oohhh silly me. i agree too
What were the other choices
pragmatic something, reluctant acceptance of, and others were the choices for the question (it was toards the end…)
Grid in section:
Set G contains multiples of 2 up to 10,000
Set F contains multiples of 5 up to 10,000.
How many elements in set G are NOT in set F?
I put 400
Anyone else get around 7 no errors? 3 in the improving sentences and 4 in the identifying sentence errors? This isn’t completely impossible, as the practice sat provided by collegeboard itself had 7 No Errors
@ENoError apparently it was 4000
Guys, what was the essay question?