<p>i so regret not using orwell's 1984...sux to be me...i get stupid when i get nervous</p>
<p>i am so ****ed with myself.
i had the loyalty prompt and i was partly through my second example (friendship and loyalty in Of Mice and Men) and i didn't get to finish it off :(:(:(</p>
<p>i was still on my first example when the proctor said '5 more minutes'...so my second example and conclusion were all crappy...didn't know 25 minutes can pass that fast. never timed myself @ home...and now that came back to haunt me</p>
<p>btw when i used king lear
did i spell it right?
and i forgot the characters name..so i just said older sister youngersister
and stuff...</p>
<p>will those hurt ?</p>
<p>their names are regan and goneril
Great example!</p>
<p>I used Doll's house. How Kristene should have been loyal to Nora</p>
<p>wait a minute..its okay that i said groups are more successful when they share the same goals instead of individual goals right? i used progressive era and personal experience for evidence</p>
<p>I used 1984, the former USSR, and the Master and Margarita as examples. I had a basic overall theme of capitalism as superior to communism.</p>
<p>Yeah mine was similar to yours NYC girl, I said Loyalty causes nationalism, I used the crucible as an example, during the salem witch trials people were sided with Judge Danforth or the preists because they are higher ups, no one sided with the innocent, and many people died during the witch hunt, than I said it was an allegory for in the 1940s communism and japanese people. I thought I did well.</p>
<p>Haha, I also talked about the American Federation of Labor! Which, by the way, was pretty much a failure. But I kinda rewrote history so that it would fit my essay. xD</p>
<p>I used 1984 haha thats such a commmon one.
I also used american revolution
and then i used the civil war and robert Lee.
urg i hope i did well</p>
<p>1984 common? well i used the american revolution and the civil war also, and two of my friends did too, so....</p>
<p>^ i dunno, i just saw some other people on cc who used 1984.Its just that i have seen many sat essay topics where 1984 can be tid into the topic. 1984 is a great book in my opinion.</p>
<p>Essay killed my writing score. :/</p>
<p>holy crap
i just checked and I got an 8 on the essay
and EIGHT</p>
<p>this makes no sense to me
I actually thought I did WELL on the essay
and on the two practice essays I did, I had them graded by a tutor (a friend's, I didn't have a tutor), and I got a 10 and 12.<br>
I'm really really confused
<p>Prompt: "Teamwork"
essay: 12 </p>
Founding Fathers of U.S
World is Flat by Thomas Friedman
U.S. + Soviet Union - NATO? (don't know how i got that to work haha) </p>
<p>oh and i used some nice SAT words lmao :) </p>
<p>just curious.. how did everyone do that used sports teams in their argument like the Bulls. I thought that would be too formal of an argument so i didn't use sports. Anyone?</p>
<p>Why the **** did I receive an 8 on my essay? I got a 12 on my last one. I had an intro, 2 examples, and a conclusion. ***?!?!?!?!!?!??!</p>
<p>i got a 12, but i was expecting something much worse.</p>
<p>i used the scarlet letter, the red badge of courage, and communism.</p>
<p>brosfam I got a 7, and I thought I had written minimum a 9 or 10 :S</p>
<p>I got an **** 8! I mean, I knew I hadn't written a perfect essay but I had 3 examples and thought it was at least like a 10...</p>