Official McGill Acceptances '15

<p>I received both emails (lots of them) and what I think was the acceptance letters (didn’t read closely) in the mail a week or so later, so yes, they do send both emails and snail mail. The major scholarship notice came both in email and mail as well.</p>

<p>kthosi: I received an email telling me a decision had been made on my app, but that email didn’t say whether I’d been admitted or not. I don’t know if they don’t send out emails to waitlisted people but it doesn’t make that much sense. Maybe it went into your spam folder or otherwise got lost?</p>

<p>@anyalm : Heuuu … I received some email : One saying “Statut changed on Minerva”. An other saying: “Congratulations” and some others “McGill in Mind”… 2 weeks later (or maybe one don’t really remember I received a MAIL saying that I was accepted to Mcgill and some other paper for the immigration stuff (because i am from France) :)</p>

<p>@kthosi : I received an email saying that my Aplication statut has changed on Minerva “An admission decision on your application to the program(s) handled by Enrolment Services of McGill University has now been made. You can view the decision(s), on MINERVA”</p>

<p>Accepted to Arts and General Engineering since last week, definitely going. See you there!</p>

<p>Accepted to faculty of arts ! I think I’m going for sure next year</p>

<p>Accepted to Arts and Civil Engineering. Financing this is definitely going to be a problem as I’m an American :(</p>

<p>First round acceptance to Arts with a 92/100 GPA
Waiting on Management…but if I go to McGill, it’ll definitely be for Arts</p>

<p>Economics and Political Science, anyone?! :)</p>

<p>Accepted to Chemical Engineering in Early rounds and Life Science regular!</p>

<p>Denied the Major renewable scholarship tho…Gave me a 3k instead</p>

<p>Political Science for me too :D</p>

<p>additionally, i got major renewable scholarship. 3000.</p>

Within how many days after you got accepted you found out that you got major scholarship ?</p>

<p>did anybody file for financial aid? i read on the website that you needed to do it within 30 days of acceptance or by June 30, whichever comes first. I got in back in late february, so it has been over 30 days. if i fill out the CSS profile, will i still be able to get some sort of financial aid?</p>

<p>made up my mind to attend today! see you guys next fall!!!</p>

<p>(i got into the faculy of science. oh and i’m from texas :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>Still waiting for American schools’ decisions, but got into McGill Arts.</p>

<p>Canadian from Ontario, 2250 SAT, 740 Math II, 800 Korean w/ listening, 94/100 GPA.</p>

<p>Accepted to Science from Massachusetts, US. Not sure if I’ll be attending; as it stands, McGill is my top choice over Boston College, the only other school I was accepted to. However, I was waitlisted at five other schools, three of which were top choices, so I’m going to wait those out and see if i can matriculate. Otherwise, McGill it is.</p>

<p>Wooooo got in today for arts! I have an 89% average. McGill is my top choice, soooo stoked!!!</p>

<p>JakeJake, congratulations on the acceptance! Would you mind posting your stats? There haven’t been too many acceptances posted for Science as of yet, and trying to get an idea of what kinds of stats are needed for Science.</p>

<p>Thanks, and congrats agai, and good luck on your acceptance to come :-)</p>

<p>ENsMom, I got admitted to Science in the PEMCS group. 2050 on the SAT, 31 ACT, 4.0 GPA (5 years math, 6 years science, 4 years history, english, and french. A lot of AP courses)
hope that helps and good luck!</p>

<p>@ ENsMom: A friend of mine was accepted to faculty of science, life science group. She has a 3.9/4.3 unweighted GPA (5 years math, 6 years science, 5 years history, 4 years English and French, with 7 APs), 2300 SAT, and 800s on math and chem SATIIs.</p>

<p>I think it would be helpful to create a thread with decisions and stats similar to those found in other schools’ forums.</p>

<p>Thanks, McGill Hopeful and TimTlm! I agree that a thread with decisions and stats would be helpful – I believe it has been done in previous years on this board. My daughter will be applying this fall, and we’re trying to decide whether or not she should retake the ACT – she will be applying to Science and Arts & Science faculties. Her composite ACT is 33; however, her Math is 28. Not sure if this will hurt her, but not sure if it’s risky to retake the ACT and chance getting a lower overall composite! So trying to make that decision. (Her gpa is 4.0w, 4.7uw.)</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>

<p>Accepted into both Arts and Management (Desautels)
Either Accounting (Management) or Political Science/IDS (Arts) for me.
Born in Canada, graduated high school in the US (Pennsylvania)
ACT: 35 Composite
GPA: 3.74 unweighed
Can’t wait to see everyone in Montreal in August!</p>