Official Princeton University SCEA Class of 2017 Thread!

<p>If you haven’t seen this Princeton Admissions Parody, then check it out. It will either make you more nervous or less nervous. But either way it is sure to make you laugh!</p>

<p>[How</a> High Schoolers Imagine the College Admissions Process - YouTube](<a href=“How High Schoolers Imagine the College Admissions Process - YouTube”>How High Schoolers Imagine the College Admissions Process - YouTube)</p>

<p>nearly 21 hours to go…</p>

<p>Hi everyone! </p>

<p>I’ve recently joined CC and have applied to Princeton early as well (international from Canada). Reading some of the comments on this post, I can tell the competition will be really stiff! Good luck to everyone and keeping my fingers crossed</p>

<p>LOL MOREthanLUCK that was amazing.</p>

<p>Hey superkeen. I’m actually Canadian too! I have a green card in the states though. Good luck! It would be great to see many fellow Canadians get accepted. </p>

<p>I’ve been obsessively looking at this</p>

<p>[Countdown</a> to Dec 18, 2012 4:00 PM in Atlanta](<a href=“Countdown Timer – Time since Dec 18, 2012 4:00 pm started in Atlanta”>Countdown Timer – Time since Dec 18, 2012 4:00 pm started in Atlanta)</p>

<p>i should really stoppppp</p>

<p>To think this time tomorrow we’ll all be either thrilled beyond measure or seriously depressed… sigh</p>

<p>I’m sort of disappointed that this is the first thing I find out without staying up all night. somehow my two sats, act, and subject tests were so much better to find out at 5 am or whatever after having spent a night on CC speculating.</p>

<p>I don’t know if I will be able to post any more before decisions, so I wanted to wish everyone the best of luck tomorrow! </p>

<p>I hope nobody is offended, but I believe that God (or Allah, the Cosmos, Fate, etc.) has a plan for everybody. If you and I are accepted to Princeton, I will look forward to seeing you there; if not, I bet that you will do incredible things at your second choice school! The chances of SOMEONE on this thread being deferred or rejected is unfortunately very high. If it happens to be me or you, I hope that we remember to always keep our chin up, because even though you don’t see it now you are meant to do so much bigger and better things than just get into a school! If you are accepted, then congratulations! You deserve this honor and I know I speak for everyone when I say I hope you take advantage of all the opportunities and possibilities that your education will give you.</p>

<p>As a quick final note, please be respectful when you post your decision in the admitted/denied/deferred thread. The Harvard and Columbia kids might think it is OK to bemoan a very stressed admissions program making some incredibly hard choices, but I believe that we are cut from a different cloth. God bless, and may the Force be With You.</p>

<p>^ oh hey. I am an URM too! I just hope my high grades make up for my low test scores. How are your Sat subject test scores?</p>

<p>^ No way! me three. My act is average (31) but my subject tests are so terrible…don’t even want to talk about that…</p>

<p>Okay, so I think i’m going to really stay off of CC till results.
Best of luck to all of you, truly.
It’s crazy that the time’s finally arrived.
It’s officially December 18th, 2012 EST. </p>

<p>Hoping for the best for everyone~</p>

<p>can’t believe its here…all my life experiences, hard work, and talent will be judged</p>

<p>Wait… are you serious??? Yes, they are required. It says it on the website.</p>

<p>morethanluck, what ethnicity are you? Pshh you think that is average? Well, I guess it is average for the school. Mine is worse than that. Not totally bad. It’s a solid score, but below average for Princeton which scares the poop out of me. My SAT subject test scores are so bad, I bet yours aren’t that bad… Mine are super bad. It was my first time taking the SAT and I thought it worked like the ACT, so I guessed for 15 questions. Brought my score wayyyyyy down. Oh lord. Help me</p>

<p>12 hours to go guys!!!</p>

<p>I’m actually calmer than before. No use in freaking out now.
Best of luck to all of you, whichever college you choose to go to!</p>

<p>good luck to everyone!!! hope we all get a desirable results in 10 hours</p>

<p>I have to say too, unusual feeling of calmness a this point in time.
Nine and a half! </p>

<p>Relevant for the lucky few here -
[Lulu's</a> Reaction to her Princeton Decision - YouTube](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>

<p>Ivyinspired. Now i am curious about your scores so i will go ahead and share my astounding 590 and 610 with you (I know. If i don’t get in this is what I am gonna blame! hahhaa),but in my defense I did not study nearly as much as I should have. I probably studied for each test for all of ten minutes two days before the test…I did not realize how difficul they were. And I am half white half black</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone! I will speak to you all again in about 9 hours. I know it sounds bogus, but I have sincerely enjoyed talking to you all for the past month. Hopefully the odds will be in our favor. And no matter the results, lets all try to support one another and realize that it is not the end of the world if we don’t get in. I think that AnonymousAnomaly put it vey eloquently, everything happens for a reason so keep your head up. :D</p>

<p>Good luck everybody! I will see you in a little over 7 hours.</p>

<p>Regardless, remember that a college doesn’t define you, no matter what.</p>

<p>Good luck everyone =)</p>

<p>Good luckkkkkk</p>

<p>I agree with MOREthanLUCK, and just know that whatever happens, it will probably be for the best. Just be thankful you applied and hope that you’ll end up somewhere where you’ll be happy.</p>