<p>Can all people accepted, deferred or rejected to stern list their stats and say why do they think they got accepted or rejected?</p>
<p>Rejected from Stern today. I believe it was definitely my low SAT scores.</p>
<p>1820/2400 SAT - my highest was actually the Writing.
600 Lit, 520 US History
3.82 GPA
Extremely excellent recommendations
Tons of extra-currics, work experience, volunteer work...
good essay</p>
<p>Username: togepy
State/country: NY / USA
School at NYU: Stern
Ethnicity/sex: White/Male
SAT: m700 v590 w630 SAT II: mathI700 lit550
ACT: Didn't take it
ECs: Great- mentoring program, tech editor for paper, volunteer in offices, many clubs
GPA: uw 3.5 w 3.7
Class Rank: 22
Essays/Recs: great essay, amazing recs
AP Stat - 4</p>
<p>Any opinions on why I was rejected? Pretty lame if it was just the SAT scores. Sorry I didn't pay for those expensive prep courses to pretty much memorize the test... Yeah what a real test of knowledge that SAT is.</p>
<p>Your GPA is good but for Stern it may be a little low....So i guess the combination of that with the SATs could have been the reason, but that's just a guess. Just don't worry, I'm sure you'll go to another excellent school and you'll be happy no matter where you end up.</p>